Chapter Eighteen

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*Vic's POV*
"Seriously, Jaime?" I asked in disbelief.

"It's not what it looks like," he said, it sounded like he was mimicking me from earlier today.

"You know what, I don't care," I threw up my hands in annoyance and went to our room.

I took out a duffel bag from the closet and began filling it with clothes when Jaime came in, "Wait, w-what are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I roughly stuffed all the clothes I could get into the bag.

When I realized that all my clothes wouldn't fit, I took out my big suitcase and filled it with more things, "Vic, wait, it really wasn't what it looked like. I-I just wanted to give you payback for what happened earlier today, he's just a friend and-"

"I don't want to hear it!" I slammed my fist on the wall, "It's over, Jaime, over!"

I picked up my bags but he ran in front of me, "Vic- please, you can't do this. I love you and we've been through so much, don't leave me," he pleaded.

I didn't love him yet I couldn't deny that I had some sort of affection for him, "Jaime..." I sighed, "It's for the best."

He fell to his knees, gripping my shirt, "Don't leave me, you've made me a better man, I would be lost without you. You're my light at the end of the tunnel, I-I don't know what I would do without you keeping me in the right path."

I gently took his hands off my shirt, "You should've thought about that in the first place, I just... we need time to figure ourselves out. Our relationship is toxic, Jaime, we're only hurting ourselves."

"It's because of her, everything was perfect until she came along," he sobbed, "She's trying to break us up so that she can keep the company, she's hoping that we break up but-but that's not gonna happen, I won't let her get the best of us. Hell, I'll even let her keep the company as long as she leaves us alone."

I shook my head, "She hasn't done anything, our relationship was already messed before she came along."

"Vic, please," he hugged my legs.

"Goodbye, Jaime," I grabbed my bags and he let go of my legs as I began to walk away.

I closed the apartment door and heard him cry in despair, tears were building up in my eyes.

Don't look back, don't look back.

I quickly walked to the car and threw the suitcase and duffel bag in the backseat. I ran my fingers through my hair, I wasn't in love with him but it hurt to leave him.

I jumped at the sound of my phone, "Hello?"

"Vic, are you okay?" I sighed in relief when I heard her voice.

"Yes, I-I'm okay," I wiped the tears of my face, "I'll be there soon."

Once I was back at Kelly's, I was greeted with a sad expression, "You don't look so good."

I leaned against the wall, "What am I doing to do now? I can't work with Jaime, I can't even look at him anymore."

I sat down and pressed my head against my knees, "What happened?" She asked as she sat beside me.

"We... we're done," I let out quiet sobs, "Years of relationship went down the drain."

I felt her hug me, "I'm so sorry."

I shook my head, "It's not your fault."

I could see the sincerity in her eyes, she really felt like it was her fault. For now, all I wanted to do what forget about what happened. I needed to distract myself, I needed to keep things out of my mind.

I don't know how long I've been staring at her, I gazed down to her bright red lips and leant in. They were so soft and sweet, I'd forgotten why I was crying in the first place. She hesitated for a moment but kissed me back, softly.

I felt like I couldn't get enough of her, I wanted more. I kissed her hungrily and she did the same. I slowly laid her down on her back, hovering over her. She wrapped her arms around my neck, bringing me closer to her.

I stopped kissing her lips as we gasped for air but my lips never left her body. I trailed down her jaw and to her neck where she let out a small whimper. I sucked on her neck as she ran her ringers through my hair, letting out a small moan that only turned me on even more.

She pushed me back, "I-I can't," she was breathing heavily and her cheeks were as red as can be.

"I-I'm sorry," I quickly apologized, I didn't want to push her into this, "I don't know what came over me."

"Me either," she laughed nervously, "I t-think it's best if we go t-to sleep, we've had a long day."

I nodded, "Y-Yeah, let's just go to sleep," I said awkwardly.

We went over to her room where the blankets were spread on the floor. She took off her contacts but never met my gaze as she went to turn off the lights. I changed into my pajamas and went to lay down next to her.

"Good night, Kelly," I whispered.

"Good night, Vico," she whispered back as she cuddled closer to me.

Only one person knew of that nickname.

And that was Kellin.

*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*
I'm so tired haha. Just wanted to remind you that you're all beautiful and you can message me whenever you like or comment anything you would like to tell me :) <3

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