Final Chapter

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*Kellin's POV*

"I am madly in love with you, Kellin Quinn. You are the reason for my being and without you, I can't function. Without you there's no me, will you give me the honorable pleasure to be your boyfriend?"

My words were caught up in my throat, the moment I've been waiting for for years was finally here. Speechless like Ariel the mermaid once was, I leant in to kiss him, that should've been enough to let him know my answer.

That night, I was restless. He held me tightly as he slept but I just couldn't sleep, what were we going to do with Jaime? Would he make his threats come true? I looked at Vic as he slept peacefully, I don't think he even thought about it.

I had to think of a plan, a plan to scare Jaime away and let us live in peace. I thought for a couple of hours and the perfect idea came to mind, there was no way this could possibly fail.

An eye for an eye, they always say.

*Vic's POV*

I yawned as daylight hit my eyes, making me squeeze them tighter. I quickly opened them as I remembered what happened last night, was it a dream? I quickly sat up and looked around. Sure enough, I was in Kellin's apartment laying down on the floor but Kellin was nowhere to be seen.

"Kells?" I called out.

"In the kitchen!" He yelled back.

I let out a relieved yet happy sigh. Relieved because I thought he'd left again and happy because we were officially together. I lazily stood up and folded the bedsheets, setting them to the side of the room. I walked towards the kitchen and stopped dead on my tracks when I saw Jaime sitting in the kitchen... tied up.

"Kellin... what-what is this?" I asked in horror.

"Oh, don't worry," he giggled, "He's unharmed, I would never dirty my hands with this filthy thing."

"Kellin, you just- you can't just kidnap people!" Jaime fearfully looked at me with a bandanna tied to his mouth. "You have to let him go!"

"I definitely will," he slammed a piece of paper on the table and placed his hand on his hip. "Once he signs this contract."

"Kells, you're insane," I put my hand over my mouth and paced around, how was he even able to do this?

He laughed in disbelief, "I'm crazy?" He pointed at Jaime, "He's the one who separated us because he want you for himself and I'm crazy?"

"Okay, okay! You're not crazy but-but you can't just," I gestured towards Jaime who was now muffling through the bandanna.

I walked towards him and moved it from his mouth as he gasped for air, "I'm sorry, Vic, I'm sorry! I'll do anything, just set me free!"

I looked at Kellin who shook his head, "You think I'm gonna let you go that easily?" He scoffed, "You've got hell to pay."

Jaime glared at him, "You stay out of this, this is between me and Vic."

"Why'd you do all this to me?" I walked towards Kellin and held his hand, "Do you know how much suffering you made me go through?"

If It Ain't You, Then Who? (Kellic/Fuenciado)Where stories live. Discover now