Chapter 7

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It was all a rush... Toothless held back the humans, whilst I unlocked the other's cages. We were all soon out, as the gas cleared. I was left, staring at an angry Stoick.
"So. You caught two." He said, his voice devoid of emotion.
"Well, you see..." Gobber began, but was cut off.
"Where's Hiccup?" He asked, not taking his eyes off of me.
"Well...that's the problem. Hiccup kind of is the Night Fury. The one you've got there, to be exact." He said.
"How can you tell." Was all my Dad could say.
"Well, Hiccup has a more purple tinge to his scales, whilst-"
"So, my only son is now our number one enemy." Stoick whispered, hatred in his eyes. I saw the axe in his hands, and gulped. Suddenly, he pinned me down by my neck, and I couldn't move.
"Aaaak!" I cried, choking. Suddenly, there was a flash of purple light, and Stoick was on his back, knocked away. I feared the worst, when he got up, groaning.
"Quick! Fly!" Toothless shouted, and I felt myself being lifted into the air.
"Fire at them!" I heard someone shout - probably Stoick - and then Hookfang was unconscious, caught in a net.
"Help!" I cried, but my words were caught on the wind; I was on my own. I knew what to do, to spread my wings and fly, but I couldn't. Hookfang and me were doomed to die, plummeting to earth.
"Oh, the Gods hate me!" I cried. The forest was coming closer now.
"Cmon, wings! Work!" I shouted, spreading them. The wind whistled past me, and I shut my eyes, holding onto Hookfang for my life. Several seconds past, and I opened my eyes slightly, to see forest hurtling past me. Wait, past? Not towards? I turned my head, too see my wings, holding me up. I was flying! Suddenly, Hookfang woke up.
"Blackout! You're flying!" He shouted, grinning. I grinned back. Suddenly, a tree appeared out of nowhere, and I smashed into it.
"Woah woah woah!" I shrieked, as we landed in a cove. The last thing I saw was three black figures circling above me, before the world went black.

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