Chapter 15

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We flew in, hoping it wasn't too late. My black wings flapped hurriedly past my face as the island came into view. As we zoomed closer, I could see a huge, greyish dragon roaring, and shooting fire. I landed, and the others followed.
"Ok, Ruff, Tuff, you distract it. Snotlout, Fishlegs, you find its blind spot, and Astrid, attack it it." I ordered, and they flew off. I saw bursts of flame narrowly missing them, and one hit the ship that Toothless was on. I ran over to it, trying to free him before the ship sunk, but it was all in vain; the ship was soon completely submerged, Toothless sinking with it. I swam down to give it one last go, my vision blurring. Suddenly, something grabbed me, pulling me back to the surface.
"No!" I shouted, as we broke through. It was my dad pulling me up, and I fought to break out of his grip.
"Wait here!" He commanded, before swimming back down. Soon, he reappeared with Toothless. I swung myself onto his back, but my dad stopped me.
"Son. Stay is out if danger." He said.
"Don't worry dad, we're Vikings; it's an occupational hazard." And we took off.
"Alright, this thing has wings, let's see if it can use them." I noted, leaping off of Toothless. I changed in midair, and we greeted each other for a few seconds, before continuing the battle.

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