Chapter 5

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The elevators, it turns out, took us below ground level for that is where the actual training rooms are located. To judge from the tribute circle formed, just about every other district has arrived already. Stepping into what can only be described as a giant gymnasium, we're pinned on our shirt a cloth with the number 12 on it. The other tributes have their district number displayed visibly too. We join the circle as the young head trainer, Atala, goes through the rules and training schedule. There are different stations in which an expert in that field will be situated. We're free to go to any station we so choose, in accordance with our mentor's direction. Several stations specialises in survival skills, while fighting techniques at others. Any engagement of combative exercises with another tribute is prohibited. That's what assistants are for.

As the names of skill stations available are being read, it becomes increasingly harder not to take notice of the others around the circle. Upon reflection I realise that's exactly what needs to be done. Know your opponents. Know their strengths and weaknesses, their way of thinking. Then you'll be able to predict their next move, I can practically hear Konrad saying once more.

Just as during the recap of the reaping and opening ceremonies, I'm struck by the sheer number of tributes. Seeing something on screen and seeing something before your eyes are two different things though. It suddenly becomes so real now. Though not as strong-looking, most of the older boys are of a height with Adam. The only ones that dwarf even him are the Careers. A single glimpse at the brothers from district 7 and my thoughts automatically go to Meredith and Jasmine. Only now does it occur to me just how fortunate we are. Wendy could have easily read one of our names and then the other. Then it would've been either Meredith or Jasmine here with me. Not Evelyn. Automatically I look over at her just to make certain that neither my sister nor best friend is here. Evelyn is so small compared to even the other females gathered here. Of course there are other younger girls but the majority are older. Many appear even more malnourished than me, though certainly no shorter. Naturally the female Careers are no less intimidating than their male counterparts. Up close the girl from District One that Evelyn admitted to being scared of looks just as threatening. I've no doubt these Career girls know somewhere between twenty different ways to kill with a knife.

My theory is proven right when, just as we're dismissed, they congregate around the lethal-looking weapons, handling them as though they were born to wield it. Curiously, the girl from 1 chooses the big, heavy axe, which is something one would justifiably expect of someone from 7. She's using her left hand. The girl must be short-sighted for she only attacks the dummy at a close range, never letting go of her formidable weapon.

A hand appears in front of me and fingers snap sharply, as though calling me back from hypnosis.

"What?" I snap mildly, before realising who the culprit is. "Haymitch?" My features change from hard to bewilderment.

He leans in close so as not to be overheard, though by now everyone have scattered amongst the training room already. "Analyse them all you want. But at least be inconspicuous about it, Donner."

As though drawn by his words, a tribute from 2 looks over at us. He flashes an arrogant smirk before elbowing his partner. The partner crosses her arm over her chest, the small throwing axe in her hand glinting menacingly. Refusing to cower under their mocking grins, I lift my chin defiantly in their direction, daring them to do their worst. The boy hawks, turns to his right, and spits, whist the girl shifts her position so that one hand is placed on her hips, the other tossing the axe carelessly yet catching it deftly. It's then that her partner notices something and shakes his head. He places a hand on her shoulder before saying something in her ear, his eyes darting from our direction to something behind us. Leave them be for now. They're not worth our acknowledgement, they seemed to say. The girl's gaze follows where her partner's keeps looking before reluctantly nodding her head, turning away, and throwing the axe right on the bullseyes. Turning in the direction the two from 2 were looking at reveals what caused them to back off. Up in the elevated stands bordering the gymnasium, twenty men and women dressed in purple robes gaze down on the tributes. The Gamemakers have arrived. I am in the process of pointing as much out to Haymitch but realise he's halfway to the rope-climbing station already. Looking down I realise my hands are shaking slightly. What a terrible habit, I mentally chide, making my way to the edible plants station. Seeing as it has been almost completely neglected by the other tributes, identifying plants that are safe and which are not safe to eat seems most appealing by far. Once I'm relatively pleased with the result of the edible plants test, my next stop is camouflage, where the next hour and a half is dedicated to improving my art skills. Or so it seems to me. Nonetheless, the instructor there is extremely nice and gives really useful tips.

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