Chapter 14

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The bigger tribute finally draws out his knife. "Never mind though. I'll just kill you now and her later," he continues taunting. "That'll teach you both to stare boldly at us in the Training Centre."

Just as he's actually using the knife on Haymitch, I reflexively raise the blowgun to my mouth and let loose a dart.

The dart lodges itself in the back of the big tribute's neck. Soon he starts coughing, a gurgling noise telling me that he must be coughing up blood. He releases Haymitch, who holds onto his neck and quickly moves out of the way. The bigger tribute falls to the ground just as a third cannon fires.

Haymitch finally gets back on his feet. He looks to the dead tribute that was just about to kill him. Then he looks around, searching for other tributes in the area. Without me giving it any orders, my legs carry me forwards. I am vaguely aware of stepping out of the woods and into the clearing. My movements catch Haymitch's attention. He watches, evidently shocked, as I cautiously cover the distance it takes to get to him.

We never take our eyes off each other. The blowgun is deliberately held to my side, pointed downwards and away from Haymitch. He seems to understand that I mean him no harm but doesn't offer to say anything either.

"We'd live longer with two of us," I venture cautiously, keeping a wary eye on him.

"Guess you just proved that," Haymitch replies, rubbing his throat. "Allies?"

I think of that word and what it means; the benefits and drawbacks of being in an alliance with anyone. Finally deciding that the benefits definitely outweigh the downsides, I nod.

Blood trickles between the fingers Haymitch clamps over his throat. Wordlessly, I dig into my bag and pull out the last of my sterile cloth. "Do you have any water?" I ask, to which he shakes his head. "Then I won't be able to clean that wound on your throat, but we should at least bandage it up. What do you say?"

"Sure," Haymitch agrees. He takes his bloodied hand away and I bite back a gasp. The cut isn't big but it sure looks deep. It's a wonder Haymitch is still even conscious. Gently but firmly, I manage to bandage up the wound. With his neck now bandaged, I think back to my own neck with its covered cloth. The sting doesn't itch anymore and so I take off the bandage. Haymitch looks at the mark on my neck before saying, "I have something for that rash." So it did turn into a rash.

From his own pack he produces a small white tube.

"What is it?" I ask apprehensively.

"Some Capitol cream that heals burns, scratches, and rashes." He hands it to me.

I rub some cream on my neck before passing the tube back. "Thanks."

He nods in acknowledgement, putting the tube away.

I turn my attention back to my second kill and recognise him as being from 1. What's more, I know him to have been part of the Career pack from last night. Then I look at the other dead bodies. The one with a knife in his throat looks like CC. And the one Haymitch just killed, after biting off his fingers, is Dylan of District 4.

Haymitch retrieves his knife from off the ground and I search the three bodies for weapons. The only weapon 1 had on him is the knife he tried to kill Haymitch with. I pick it up and examine it. The black handle is extremely smooth ivory and the blade itself is Dao-shaped. Deciding that it is a good weapon, I take the sheath and belt it on. After placing the knife in its sheath, I examine Dylan. He doesn't have anything on him. The only weapon on CC is the knife in his throat. Not exactly thrilled with the idea of pulling it out, I leave it where it is.

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