Chapter 7

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Lying in bed the image of the number eight blinking repeatedly under my face replays over in my mind. Many pats on the back, congratulatory words, and suffocating hugs followed the announcement of my training score. Wendy clapped enthusiastically and jumped with excitement. Alex even hooted in delight and ruffled my hair affectionately. But it was the look on Adam's face that was priceless. He looked like he had just eaten mouldy bread and now trying to swallow it.

The moment was short lived when the time came to announce the training score of the final tribute of the Fiftieth Hunger Games.

Evelyn's photograph was shown first, followed by her training score of five. The poor girl was in tears just at the sight of it. She was quickly comforted and consoled by all those that surrounded her; each showing her their support. Coming from anyone directly from the Capitol the comfort seemed hollow. Only the words spoken by our mentor felt authentic.

"People only care for high scores," he had remarked, "no one thinks too much for those that score low to average. As far as they know, you may have intentionally gotten a five in a guise to hide your true strength. Anyway, having a high score isn't as splendid as it sounds. That only means that the other tributes are more inclined to target you in the arena. Scores simply signify the potential tributes displayed during training. They do not guarantee or predict who the winner will be." His words worked. Evelyn felt better instantly.

Even after that, it is with the image of Adam's amusing expression that I fall asleep to.

Dawn comes along bringing with it Sunday. Back in Twleve my mother would be making the entire family pancakes on this day off. Thinking of my family and home only strives to motivate me to do my absolute best in the Games. With my training score I might just get sponsors and make it back to them.

Taking a shower in cherry blossom-scented soap, I'm still in a particularly good mood from the events of last night.

Breakfast consists of a bowl of cereal, sliced oranges, two waffles, one hardboiled egg, and doughnuts of different flavours including chocolate, strawberry, caramel, and vanilla.

Once everyone is gathered in the dining room, our mentor and escort begin explaining the day's schedule.

"As you should know, the entire day will be devoted to coaching you for your interviews tomorrow night," begins Konrad, cupping a mug of coffee with both hands. "Now, normally each tribute gets four hours with Wendy and another four with me."

"That's right. I'd coach you on presentation and Konrad on content," Wendy includes, obnoxiously cheerful as ever considering how early in the morning it still is.

"Nothing there will change. The only alteration is that you will have each of us for but two hours. Along with a well deserved four hour break," says Konrad, spreading butter onto a freshly baked muffin.

"We'll begin the day with Konrad coaching Haymitch first. And Maysilee will be with me," Wendy says, turning to us with that plastic smile on her face. "Adam and Evelyn; you two have the next four hours to yourselves. Once our time is up with Haymitch and Maysilee, there'll be a half hours break for lunch before you four switch over. Is everybody clear on the schedule?"

We all make sounds that the two adults take as acquiescence.

After breakfast Wendy leads me into her massive room; thus beginning an exceptionally long two hours.

If I was still remotely in a good mood this morning, that all changed by the end of my time with Wendy. Half the time the only thought that I can seem to conjure is how grateful I am that the duration of this session has been reduced by half.

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