Hermes and Hecate are married?!

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Can I just point out that on Hermes' Wikipedia page states that he is married to Hecate? How and why?! Hecate is one of the most serious and feared goddess while Hermes is a goofball that would probably roll up into ball, roll down Half-Blood hill while singing "They see me rollin' they hatin'". Imagine everyone else's reactions

Zeus: How?

Hera: How is this possible?

Hephaestus: *Doesn't give a fuck*

Ares: *Making a face that says both 'WTF' and 'I'm confused as hell'*

Apollo: *Slow claps*

Dionysus: *Thumbs up*


Athena: (・ω・)ノ

Artemis: ( ゚д゚)

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