My own version of Hecate for a yaoi story sorrynotsorry

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Name: Hecate

Alias': Opal Rose


Gender: Female

Species: Goddess

Birthdate: No. One. Knows

Time of birth: No one knows

Country of Origin: Greece

Birthplace: Greece

Ethnicity: Greek

Occupation: Goddess of magic, crossroads, moon, ghosts, and necromancy

Language(s): Various

Native tongue: Greek

Religion: N/A
Education: Taught by her mother

IQ: 130

Weapons/Offensive equipment: None

Items/Defensive equipment/Misc: Twin torches

Money/Amount of: Drachmas

Transportation: None, she prefers walking on foot
Height: 5'4"

Weight: Unmeasurable

Eye Color: Dark blue

Hair: Long messy black

Skin: Fair

Shoe size: 5

Figure/build: Hourglass
Distinguishing marks:

-Tattoo(s): One her forearm that says Hirihoukenten (非理法権天). It reflects one of the old philosophies in feudal Japan where foolishness (非) is not above sensibility (理), sensibility is not above law (法), law is not above authority (権), and authority is not above divinity (天). As emperors were treated as divine figures in imperial Japan, it means to imply "no men can oppose the (divine) emperor".

-Scars: None

-Piercings: None

-Clothing style: Simple, comfortable
Hobbies: Magic, watching over her demigod children

Talents/Skills: Magic
Love interest(s): Hermes

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous

Diet: Well known for eating really bland food

Virgin?: No

Drinker?: Yeah

Smoker?: No

Drug user?: No

Other addictions?: Nope

Pet peeves: None
Basic description: She is a woman with a lovely figure. Her measurements are: 86-56-83 cm (B-W-H). Her messy hair is black, and her eyes are piercing dark blue. Sometimes she is dressed in a knee-length maiden's skirt and hunting boots, much like Artemis. When Gottlieb ripped her shirt off it's revealed her breast are held by a therapeutic elastic breast girdle that reveal a small amount of her cleavage

Personality: She is described as being both a reliable older sister type and one of the scariest goddesses. Her calm, quiet aura is enough to make anyone uncomfortable and has an iron fist when it comes to her children, setting very high standards

Disposition: Intimidating

Likes: Garlic, oak branches, frogs, small shy children

Dislikes: Loud whiny brats, ill-fitting underwear

Motivations: Persephone

Morals: No one knows her morals

Fears/Phobias: Losing her children

Favourite quote: "Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen." -Wolfgang Von Goethe

Favourite food: Dango

Favourite drink: Matcha

Favourite color: Red

Favourite song: 私ト一ツノ心臓ヲ (Your heart and I becoming one)

Favourite movie: N/A

Favourite sport: Volleyball

Favourite book: Ballad of Mulan

Other favourites: None

-Parents: Perses and Asteria

-Siblings: None

-Other close relatives: Crius and Eurybia (Paternal Grandparents), Coeus and Phoebe (Maternal Grandparents)

Friends: Persephone

Partner: Hermes

Offspring: Circe, Aietes, Pasiphae; Pan (in some accounts)

Enemies: Unknown...

Pet(s): Polecat and black she-dog
Special Body Augmentations: None

Official/Personal Training: None

Important Additional Notes: None
History: Do I need to explain?

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