Put Up or Shut Up

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-Thursday February 12th 2015-

Chapter 8

*Kellin's POV*

So today is an off day from tour. We were on our way to Massachusetts and I just wasn't feeling it. Of course, I was so excited to see our fans. They were amazing and I loved all of them. I just wasn't focused at all. All I was thinking about was her.

The fact that Scarlett was still living and I was in the same state as her. We were in the same state!

I let out a loud groan and hit the top of my bunk. I guess this is how some of our fans felt when they couldn't come out to the shows and see us.

I let out a small sad laugh. I just can't believe I didn't know. How can I not know she was in Chicago?! God I'm so stupid.

"Hey bud, you okay?" I heard someone say outside my bunk. I didn't answer though.

Ever since I found out, I haven't talked to anyone. Not my band, not Pierce, and not even Katelynne. Sometimes when she would call and ask if I was okay, I would just tell her I was fine. I hated lying to her but that's what I did. I just shut everyone out.

"Someone's here to see you buddy." I heard again, then I see Justin was standing on the other side of my curtain.

I looked over and see Vic and Mike standing next to him.

"What do you guys want?" I ask, bitterly.

"We just wanted to check up on you, making sure you were okay." Mike said.

"Yup, totally fine. Never been better." I say sarcastically.

I didn't mean to sound like an ass but I felt hurt. The fact they knew and didn't wanna tell me, it just pissed me off.

"Look Kellin," I heard Vic say, "we are really sorry we didn't tell you. We didn't think it was true. Jaime said that this girl had blond hair and looked a lot thinner. We didn't wanna upset you, then send you looking for her and then have your heart broken when you found out she wasn't there! We never meant to hurt you, Kells."

"Well, it hurt a lot more knowing that it could've been her and you guys never told me." I said, my back now towards them.

Yes, I realize I'm being a stubborn little fuck right now. But I don't care.

I heard Vic sigh and then it was silent. Then I heard them leave. I let out a sigh and just as I was about to try and go to sleep, I felt someone pull me out of my bunk.

I was going to fall flat on my face but then a pair of strong arms grab me before I fell. I looked up and saw Vic was grabbing me.

"What the fuck! Why would you just drag me out of my bunk? I could've died or something!" I screamed at him.

"Thing is I caught you, didn't I?" He said with a stupid smirk.

"That's not the point! The point is that you had no right to do that!" I said, my anger only rising after every word I said.

"Oh yeah? Why not?" He challenged.

"Because I was in my stupid bunk, trying to sleep!" I yelled.

"All you do is sleep nowadays! Why won't you do anything else?!" He yelled back.

"What else do you want me to do?! I can't do anything while I'm trapped inside this stupid bus! I can't do anything knowing Scarlett was in a state that we just passed! I can't do anything knowing she's been hurt! I can't do anything without fans wanting to take pictures with me everytime I go somewhere! It's like I'm under some sort of freaking surveillance 24/7 and I can't do anything without the press knowing and letting the entire world know! So what the hell do you want me to do?!" I yelled.

"Just breathe." He said, in the calmest voice ever.

"How do you want me to just breathe?! I can't do anything Vic. People always want me to be some kind of role model! I can't curse without people assuming I'm bad. I can't drink without people thinking I'm an alcoholic! And if I even wanted to smoke, you know what people are going to say?! "Oh Kellin, don't do that, you'll get lung cancer." Or "Kellin, your voice. Your just going to fuck up your voice." Or even "Kellin, think about your daughter. Would you like her doing that?". People just need to get off my back and let me live my life. Let me make my own decisions! I'm just freaking tired of everyone telling what I can or can't do! I just want Scarlett back!" I yelled at him.

He just stared at me, smiling a little. I was confused and a little annoyed as to why he was smiling.

"What?" I snapped.

"See. It's better to just yell everything out then to keep it in." He said, smiling.

I was about to ask what the hell he was talking about but then I realized. He basically made me express everything I had been keeping inside. All these things that's been bothering me, I just yelled at Vic.

I let out a little laugh and hugged him.

"You're one sneaky little fuck, you know that?" I said, laughing a little.

"I have my moments," he said and we stopped hugging, "we good now?" He said, a little scared of my answer.

"Yes Vickey, we're good." I said and laughed.

He laughed to and hugged me again.

"That's good. See I worry about you sometimes Quinn, can't have my favorite singer all down and ignoring me." He said, letting me out of the hug.

"Awe, how sweet of you Fuentes." I said with a laugh. Then silence fell over the both of us.

I've had a question that's been bugging me to ask him since I found out she was alive.

"Vic, did you ever find her.?" I asked.

"No," he said with a sigh and I felt all sad again, "but don't worry. I have a cousin who lives in Chicago. I asked her to check around the city if she had time. I know it's weird and she is one of my distant cousins. But I do trust her and if anything she'll text me. I told her how important she was to us, so I know she will do her best." He said, trying to reassure me.

"Thanks Vic. I just want her back, you know? I just really miss her and I don't want her thinking I just gave up on her." I said.

"I know Kells. We are going to get her back, I promise you. We just need to keep looking and not give up hope. I know she wouldn't like seeing you like this. So upset and avoiding all of us. You have to be strong. Be strong for her, your family, your friends, your fans. But most importantly, be strong for yourself man. We all know that this Kellin, this sad and moody Kellin, isn't you." Vic said, patting my shoulder.

"Yeah, your right. I hate being this way. I need to just take a breather once in a while and tell you my problems." I say with a little laugh.

"Hey, that's what I'm here for. I just sing in a band for my spare time." He says and we both laugh.

I know I'm going to get my girl back. I just need to wait and not give up on her. Because I'm never giving up on Scarlett. I know I will get her back. I just know I will.

(A/N) Hello all! I hoped you liked this chapter. It shows that these guys are humans too. They have their off days and I feel like sometimes fans forget that. I just felt like I needed to put this in here. Remember, we don't really know what's going on in their lives, so we just need to cut them some slack and let them be. They're people just like us. Also I've been thinking about updating every Friday.? Let me know what you think.
Anyways I hoped you guys liked it, got a lot of my anger out, lmao. So yea, comment, vote and spread the word bout this book.
So yea

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