What Now?

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Chapter 9

*Vic's POV*

Kellin had fallen asleep in his bunk while the other guys were watching tv in the front of the bus or playing Xbox in the back lounge.

I was sitting in the front of the bus with Nick and Jack. We were searching for something decent to watch but nothing showed up. Not like I was paying much attention anyways. I was too caught up in my thoughts. I didn't know what to think. What if Layn, my cousin, can't find Scarlett? What if something horrible has happened to Scarlett already? I swear to god if Josh touched her, I think to myself.

Just then my thoughts were cut short when my phone blared Purple Rainbow by Prince on my phone. I looked and saw my cousin was calling me. It was her favorite song.

I excused myself, not that anyone noticed, and went inside the rest room. I answer the phone and prayed she had good news.

~Purple rai~

Vic: Hello?

Layn: Vic?

V: Yes? What's up? Anything?

L: I found her.. She's on her way to Massachusetts. She's with my sister, Michelle. She looks exactly how Jaime said. Thin, blond hair except she had just been beaten and raped..

V: He fucking touched her?! Where the fuck are you?! You better not still be with him! Get the fuck aw-

L: Primo, calm down. I left just as soon as Scarlett did. I told Josh I had a family emergency and I haven't contacted him since I left. Don't worry.

V: How can I not worry? I can't believe he did that to her. What happens if he tried to come back for you or Derek?

L: Don't worry. We both are leaving Chicago because we are visiting his parents in Mexico for a couple of weeks. Josh is not going to know. Trust me. Anyways what are we going to do now? Like how are we getting Scarlett and Kellin back together.

V: I first want to see her. I know it's not my place but I can't risk her not being the actual Scarlett. I trust you but I just want to make sure. So tell Michelle to text me when they are at the venue.

L: Okay. Vic be easy on Scarlett okay? I know this is the girl and she's been though a lot.

V: This just feels like a crazy dream. I don't know if this is real or not. After eight months. We finally found her.

L: It's crazy, I know. Just be strong, for me and Kellin. Okay?

V: Okay prima. Have a safe flight and text me when you leave the airport. Thank you soo freaking much. I owe you.

L: Don't think anything of it. I just want yous to be happy. I have to go, bye.

V: Bye.

~End Call~

I hung up the phone, having a mix of feelings.

I was happy, more then anything. Scarlett was away from Josh. But I was also angry. How could someone do something like that to their own kid?! It disgusted me. Then I felt like this was just some crazy dream. I felt like I was going to wake up and find out it was just all just a dream. That we didn't find her. She was still in Chicago. I always thought we would never get her back. But now we might.

I left the bathroom, tears welling up in my eyes. I could let the guys see me like this. Maybe I should go tell Kellin. Then again, he needs his sleep and not a crazy hectic life.

I sigh in frustration. I needed to talk to someone. How can I express everything I'm feeling right now? This entire this was such a huge mess. I don't even know why Josh had to be such a dick and take away something very special to Kellin and every one of us.

I rested my head against the wall. I can't believe this is happening right now.

"Hey Vic, what's up?" I heard someone say.

I turned around and saw Justin standing there, staring down at me.

"Nothing just have a lot on my mind." I say with a sigh.

"Does it have to do with Scarlett?" He asks, giving me a sad smile.

"Yeah," I said, my voice cracking a little, "I think my cousin found her."

"What?! No. Are you serious? Have you told Kellin? Where is he? He has to know. Are you sure it's her? Where the fuck his Kellin. Yo guy-" Justin rambles on but I cut him off.

"Justin shut up! I'm going to wait for Kellin to wake up and tell him. Along goes with the rest of the guys. I don't know if it's her but apparently my cousin is one hundred percent sure it's her." I say.

"Why wait for him to wake up? Let's wake him up now!" Justin says and runs over to his bunk.

"Justin we have to let him sleep. He's hardly had any sleep whatsoever! It's bad for his health!" I whisper yell at him as we both stand outside of his bunk.

"But this is his daughter we are talking about! Do you have any fucking idea how heartbroken he was? He blamed himself many times for this. He's written many songs about her. He stopped eating, stopped caring about everything. He got fucking depressed Vic! We have to tell him now." Justin whispered yell at me, then pulling open Kellin's curtain. Only to find Kellin was already awake.

He had been crying and staring at the top of his bunk.

"Kells?" I whispered to him.

"Yeah?" He said, voice cracking.

"Did you hear anything that we said?" Justin asked.

"Only the part where you were telling Vic how much of a fuck up I am." Kellin said softly.

Justin and I looked at each other. Justin gave me a look that said to tell him. I gave him an unsure look. Truth was I was hella nervous. He gave me a stern look and that's when I blurted it out.

"We found her. She's on her way to Massachusetts right now." I said.

Kellin looked at me, wide eyed. He had an expression that was mixed with happiness and overjoyed and sadness. He began to cry.

"A-are you serious.?" He whispered, barely audible but I heard him.

"Yes Kellin. We found Scarlett." I said, tears running down my face as well.

Kellin got out of his bunk and hugged me. He then started to sob. He buried his face into my shoulder and cried. Justin then started to rub his back, telling him everything was going to be okay. I just hugged him and whispered in his ear, "everything will be fine. She's okay now."

Both Justin and I began to tear up as well. We never thought we would get this angel back. But now that we were so close to getting her, we didn't know what to do. We just stood there, hugging Kellin, tears running down our faces as we made our way to the next show.

(A/N) Yo! What's up guys? How's everyone doing? I know this one is a little sad but don't worry.. It's only getting worse from here (: so yea.. Hope you guys, I've been working on some other books and I wanna release soon so stay in toon. But anyways, comment, vote and tell people bout this book! And yea
Peace ✌️

Find My Way Back Home {Sequel to Kellin Quinn.. My Step Dad}Where stories live. Discover now