Esculating Quickly

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Chapter 12

*Kellin's POV*

I was inside the venue about to get ready for the meet and greet. The guys had already left because they said they wanted to see how many kids were here. I said I'd tag along with them, but they didn't let me. I guess I was better off by myself anyways.

I was just messing around, trying to hit high notes and some very low notes when I heard a knock on the door.

The door opened and on the other side, there was a girl. She was extremely thin, had blonde hair and looked extremely familiar.

"I'm sorry, you can't be back here." I said, slowly as I approached her.

"You don't remember me.?" She said, tears welling up in her eyes.

Her voice. No it couldn't be. It can't be.

"Scarlett.?" I asked, whispering so quietly.

"Hi daddy." She said, tears falling down her face.

That's when we both broke.

She ran into my arms and I hugged her so tightly. I had my arms around her waist, sobbing into her shoulder while she had her arms around my neck, on her tipped toes, sobbing into my chest.

"I thought I lost you forever." I chocked out. I couldn't believe this was happening.

"I thought I was n-never going to see y-you." Scarlett said, crying more.

"Shhhh. It's okay sweetie. I got you. I'm never letting you go, ever again." I told her rubbing her back as we both calmed down.

After a while, it was dead silent. Scarlett still clung onto as we walked towards everyone one else. Not like I was going to let her go anytime soon.

We passed by one room but then I heard my name.

"Yo Kellin! Come in here!" I think I heard Justin say.

I looked over at Scarlett. She looked nervous, scared and excited all at once.

"We don't have to see everyone right now if you don't want to." I said, grabbing her hand and squeezing it tightly.

"I want to. It's better for me to see them now then later." She said as her breathing went a little fast.

"Hey, look at me," I said and she did, "breathe in, breathe out."

She did as told and smiled when she was fine. I smiled back at her and kissed the top of her head. She grabbed my hand tightly as I led her inside the room.

In there, we saw that all of PTV were there, Lynn and Alex were there and Justin, and Nick were there. As soon as Scarlett and I walked in, it was dead silent.

Jaime and Mike looked as if they saw a ghost. Tony's , Lynn's and Alex's eyes widen and they also looked beyond scared. Justin looked like he was going to cry. Nick smiled at both me and Scarlett. Vic also just smiled and almost shed a tear.

"Hi guys." Scarlett says very softly.

"Is that really her?" Justin asks, coming closer to Scarlett.

Scarlett looks beyond scared and let's go of my hand, backing away from both Justin and I.

"Justin chill! Give her some space." Vic yells, causing us all to jump.

I look between Scarlett, Justin and Vic. So many thoughts run through my head. Like why is Scarlett so scared of people getting close to her or touching her? Why is all of a sudden she scared to talk to anyone? What the fuck did Josh do to my little baby?

Find My Way Back Home {Sequel to Kellin Quinn.. My Step Dad}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu