Nothing But Love

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Chapter 17

*Josh's POV*

It's been five days. Five days since I've seen that whore. She left, escaped and I don't know where she could've gone. She had to be somewhere in Chicago though, right?

I started my car and began to search for her again. As I was driving, I get a call from my stupid, slut of a wife.


Josh: What?

Carmon: Well that's no way to speak to your wife, is it?

J: I'm not in the mood for your bullshit. Just tell me what you want.

C: Well, I was wondering when we were going to plan for our wedding.?

*Ever since we got back together, I promised her that we would have an official wedding and such. Of course it was a lie but she didn't need to know that. She never questioned about Scarlett since I promised a wedding, so it was fine by me.*

J: I don't know. I'm busy right now.

C: Oh okay.. You are still in California, right?

J: Of course I am! Why would you ask a stupid question like that?

C: I passed by your apartment earlier yesterday and your neighbor said you moved away a long time ago.

J: Well I didn't okay. God, why are you so stupid! If I tell you something, it's because it's the truth, okay lady!

*Obviously this was another lie but I didn't need her interrupting my plans.*

C: You're right, I'm sorry.. Can I speak to Scarlett.?

J: Why the sudden interest? You didn't want anything to do with her before.

*There was a silence. It was true, she didn't want her and that's why she gave him to that bitch, Kellin*

C: She's still my daughter.. And I wanted to wish her a happy Valentine's Day.

J: Look lady, I don't have time for this right now. I have to go grocery shopping and other things. Scarlett is with her friends so bye.

C: Why isn't she answering her ph-

~End Call~

I let out a frustrating sigh. God she was so annoying. Why does she all of a sudden care where this kid is?! She didn't care when Kellin took her, she didn't care when I took her and now she decides she wants to be a good mom and know where her kid is? So irritating.

The more I thought of Scarlett, the harder and frustrated I got. That fucking slut was going to pay. I needed to know where she was and fast.

Then I thought of something. I could track her phone! That would give me some kind of clue to where she was.

I opened the app and saw that she was nowhere to be found. The last place she was located was on the highway. That's when a thought clicked.

She disappeared the night Layn came over. Layn had to leave early because of a "family emergency". I didn't see or hear from Scarlett after I came home from the liquor store.

"Fucking bitch!" I yelled at no one. I hit my steering wheel. That fucking whore stole my daughter and is driving her away from me!

Oh hell no! That means she could be anywhere in the country by now! Just my fucking luck.

I tried calling Layn but it went straight to voicemail each time. Fucking great, I thought to myself.

I was going to find this kid, one way or another.

Find My Way Back Home {Sequel to Kellin Quinn.. My Step Dad}Where stories live. Discover now