## He's Totally A Vampire ##

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*purely fictional*
*MacKenzie's POV*

Dalton's totally a vampire.

I have absolutely no doubt about it.

You see, his eyeliner and hair gives it allllll away. And, you know, his eyes. Those things are freaky.

Okay, okay, hear me out here.
1) His hair is dyed white-blonde, as if he is trying to seem like he goes out in the sun.
2) His eyes are piercing blue- just like his fangs that he totally has.
3) His eyeliner...well, that just makes him look emo. VAMPIRES ARE EMO. Not all, but most.

There. Dalton's a vampire.

Wait, I forgot one! Music.

Vampires, they totally like writing songs, yeah? Poetry. Kinda an emo thing, yes? Exactly. Vampire.

You see, when I was rooming with him, he would stay up late. Like, super late. Like 9:30 late. Yeah. Hardcore. But, anyways, I would go to sleep, but I never saw Dalton go to sleep. He never went to sleep before me. Therefore, he doesn't sleep. Vampires don't sleep. Dalton's a vampire.

Not to mention his nickname. Blood is salty, yeah? Salty Dalty. Bloody Dalty.

He's totally a vampire.

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