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I open my eyes to see the wide expanse of the sky. The sounds of high school echo from across the field where I lay. Taking a relaxed breath, I slowly sit up. Luke lays next to me, blissfully asleep. I tug on his Hidden Block jacket, and his eyes flutter.
"Hana." He tiredly smiles, voice raspy from sleep. His hat had fallen off in sleep, and his brown hair stuck up all over the place, practically defying gravity. He smooths down his hair and replaces his hat before sitting up next to me.
"Have a nice nap?" I laugh. He grins, his blue eyes sparkling.
"It was great, especially with you there." He kisses my hand as I giggle and blush. He tilts his head and smiles at me, intertwining our fingers, but soon turns to see an approaching figure.
"Aye, lovebirds!" Jon says, his dark brown hair being assaulted by gusts of wind. "Watcha up to?"
Luke rolls his eyes before saying, "Nothing, man. Just hanging out." Jon scoffs and smirks a little.
"Mhm. 'Hanging out.' I know you, Luke." He then proceeds to wink and wiggle his eyebrows at our interlocked fingers. I giggle a little and Luke shakes his head.
Luke smiles at the ground and looks up at Jon. "So why're you out in the fields?"
Jon dramatically looks across the horizon.
"I was commanded to...by the Red Queen."
Luke hesitates, glancing at me. "...Excuse me?"
Jon angrily sighs. "Jeez, you guys are boring. Mai. Mai told me to find Hana. So I did."
I nod. "What does she need?" But Jon shrugs.
"I honestly have no idea. But she's in the boys' common room." Noticing my major confusion, Jon laughs. "She was with Jared, I think. I hope. I really, really hope."
I nod and breathe out a laugh, blowing a wisp of pink hair out of my face. "Yeah. Me too." And with that, I stood up, leaving the soft grass and Luke's hand empty.
"I'll be back soon, Luke. Keep the grass warm for me," I laugh. He nods and grins, patting the spot where I was sitting.
"I will, Hana. See you!" And as I treaded down the path leading to campus, with Jon leading ahead, I didn't see the minor flicker of Luke's form.

When we reach Bluebell house, Jon unlocks the door, yet stays outside. I tilt my head.
"Aren't you coming in?"
He shakes his head. "I gotta go do PB&J. I'll check in on you after? Assuming that you'll still be in the dorms..."
I shrug, "Dunno. I guess we'll see?" He nods and waves. I return the wave and walk in, air rushing past me. I receive strange looks from the boys in the dorm, but not nearly as many as Mai is receiving, sitting on the couch with Austin and Paul kneeling at her feet. At my arrival, Mai stands.
"Ahh! Hanaaa!" She says, dragging out the a. She runs over, pushing an exasperated Paul and Austin out of the way. "There you are!"
"I was with Luke, remember?" I reply with a laugh, and Mai smirks, rolling her eyes.
"Oh, yeah. You two are so cute!" She closes her eyes and puts a hand over her heart. Then her eyes snap open. "Paul! Austin! Come hither!" Paul and Austin roll their eyes and stand, clearly very annoyed with Mai.
Austin sighs, "What do you need, my Queen?" Mai smiles mischievously.
"Please fill my lovely Hana in on the situation."
Austin looks at me, his eyes not disguising his annoyance. "Mai would like to tell you that she has prepared a gift for you, because you're her best friend, and that's just what friends do."
I nod, raising an eyebrow. "Okay...?"
Paul steps in, smirking. "And now she will present it to you."
I look at Mai to find that she's disappeared. Austin and Paul complain to me about Mai's enslaving of them while I wait for her to return, but I just shrug and tell them that Mai's gotta do what Mai's gotta do.

Mai takes quite a long time to come back, and when I hear the door behind me open, I turn around quickly. Mai emerges from the open doorway with a big, multicolored blanket.
"Surprise!" Mai shouts, shoving the blanket into my arms. I squeal, nearly losing my balance. Mai grins. "You didn't have a blanket when you came to Asagao, so I've been collecting some patterned fabric to make a quilt! See, here's a square with a tent on it like our pillow tent, and here's an origami bird like the one from your mom, here's an Itty Bitty Kitty..." She proceeds to point out and explain each square, and I proceed to start crying and hug her.
"Mai! This is...this is amazing! This doesn't even feel real! Thank you so much!"
She grins, putting her hand on her hip. "I knew you'd say that. It's not much, but it was made with the heart, okay? Now run! Run to your prince!" Jared comes around the corner and winks at Mai, who raises her eyebrow and waves with her fingers. "I have a date with mine." I giggle a little and walk out of the dorms, bewildered at what just happened. I ponder on texting Jon that I was leaving, but decide against it. He'll be fine.

I begin to head back to the field, examining the carefully sewn squares. The quilt is extremely light, for some reason, and is flexible and soft. It surprised me, as I thought quilts were usually heavy and stiff. I shrug it off, wondering why I was thinking about the qualities of fabric anyway.

When I get to the field, I bunch the quilt up in my arms and attempt to stomp through the high grass without getting anything on it. I look across the horizon of relaxing high schoolers for Luke's figure, and I see a familiar

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