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Water Administration To Centauri H.

They took my double.

What's a double, you ask?

The person you were put on Centauri H for, of course.

We have one goal, you see.

Find your double and multiply.

Multiply, multiply, multiply.

Centauri H has such a small population, so why not?

They take your spawn anyways, you don't have to worry about them.

Why would you, anyways?


My double's name was Liam. Liam Grey. He was nice; he provided for me, payed the expenses, and took the useless children- women aren't allowed to work, naturally. That's only just, isn't it?

The air was dry and tasted of dust, the scent of salt and sweat drifted through the air. It was yet another uneventful day on Centauri H, until the destructive WATCH truck came barreling through, crashing into people and buildings without concern. It rumbled like thunder, shaking the ground and frightening passerby throughout the town.

When I was in my sixth pregnancy, which is a number I'm ashamed to admit (I'm 20- I should be on at least 10), Liam decided to take some extra water- something that is severely punished. I thought it would just be a trip to the Post- a wooden pole in the middle of town that they bound you to and deprive you of water for a week, maybe a month- but instead, I heard the rumble of a WATCH truck.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2017 ⏰

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