▽ Even In The Snow △

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*purely fictional*
*pbg imagine inspired by the picture above*

It was the first snow of winter. Austin seemed ecstatic, but I, not so much. I had always lived in cold, maybe freezing, places. I was sick of snow. But Austin being Austin, couldn't wait to go outside.

I hear a whisper of "It's time to wake up, pixel." and I slowly open my eyes. Austin is leaning over me, clad in his worn green winter coat. Little wisps of his dirty blonde hair flew out in all directions from under his dark green Zelda beanie. His puppy eyes were wild, like a little kid's on Christmas. In all, he looked absolutely adorable.
"Austin..." I say, rolling over onto my stomach. I hear him groan, and I feel a weight on my shoulder. I turn my head to see his vivid green eyes staring at me.
"Please." He says, pouting. I sigh in resignation and breathe out an okay. He jumps back in joy, grinning like a madman. I take my time getting up, making him upset in the process, but when you try to wake me up in 40 degree weather, I'm going to be slow.


"Hurry up!" Austin says, laying his head on the table while I eat my cereal. I smirk at him and eat even slower. He groans and looks at me with sad eyes. His normally fluffy hair seems to flatten, if possible.
"You can go out without me, you know. Don't wait up." I say, not looking up from my cereal. He jerks up and gasps as if I offended him.
"And why would I do that? I want you to be there with me, pixel." He tilts his head and a smile tugs at the corner of his mouth. I get instant butterflies. He still has that effect, to my dismay. I awkwardly cross my arms across my stomach. His smile slowly crawls across his mouth, eyes growing brighter. I shuffle uncomfortably. He slowly leans forward. I blush.
"Got you." He whispers. I take my spoon and hit him. He pouts.

After a few minutes, I decide to cease the torture for Austin.
"Let's go."
He jumps out of his chair.
"Really?!" And I nod.

I take my rarely used pale blue winter coat, with tag still attached, from the closet, along with my black beanie with bear ears. I drag a brush through my messy brown hair and slip my beanie on. I debate for a bit whether I should wear my glasses, and finally decide not to become four eyed. Considering that Austin loves snowball fights, I don't wear them because I don't need to get them broken. Austin waits, impatiently of course, while I get ready for the freezing weather.

When I'm finally ready, he smiles mischievously and takes my hand, intertwining our fingers. The familiar butterflies return, but I push them down. He rushes to the door, pulling me reluctantly along. I smile at his excitement. It's as if he's never seen snow.

He unlocks our front door and pulls it open. An icy chill rushes in, making me shiver violently. Austin looks back at me concerned, but then smirks. He pulls me outside and I sigh. He looks over his shoulder at me and side smiles. The butterflies explode. I feel a blush rising in my cheeks and I look away.

The sparkling snow covers every rooftop and lawn. It's probably about two feet deep. Glittering ice coats the streets. The sky is a cold grey and the trees are bare. There are kids playing everywhere in the neighborhood, and a hill on the opposite side of a frozen creek already has sled tracks down it. It's actually very beautiful. I find myself subconsciously smiling. Before I can stop, however, Austin sees me and smirks.
"I can go out without you, eh?" He laughs. I play punch him and he feigns hurt.

After looking at the snow for a long while, Austin shivers.
"I've gotta put my gloves on." He says and drops my hand. The sudden cold shocks me. He takes out his black gloves and slides them on. Suddenly he giggles and sprints off. I run after him, amused. He's a good ten feet in front of me, when he trips down a hill.
"Austin?!" I call. I see a little bit of dark green beanie peeking up from the crest of the hill. I sigh in relief.

Then a snowball hits me square in the chest. My breath rushes out in a rush and I cough. Then I laugh.

"I'm going to kill you." I shout out to Austin. I hear a laugh from the other side of the hill. I run back to the house and break an icicle off of the gutter. I return to my side of the hill and hide behind a pile of slush. When Austin doesn't hear me for a while, he peeks up.
"Uh...hello?" He asks. I jump up and run towards him with my icicle held like a dagger. Before I can "impale" him, he grabs my waist and uses my inertia to spin me around. He smiles up at me while I laugh. Then, of course, he falls backwards.

We roll down the hill together, gathering snowy powder on our hair and clothes. The snow bites at our exposed skin, but we don't care. We laugh all the way down and I land squarely on top of him. I prop up my upper body, placing my hands on either sides of his head. He brushes a little snow off my nose and tucks a wisp of my hair into my beanie.
"Well. That was an adventure." He says, a little tilt of his head added in. I breathe out a laugh and lay my head on his chest. He wraps his arms around me and exhales. He's very warm in this cold weather, and I snuggle into him.

After a few minutes, a little boy and girl come over.
"Hey, are you okay?" The boy asks. He has to be only five or six. The girl giggles. She's the same age, maybe younger.
"Yeah, they're just cuddling. That's what you do when you're in love, silly!" I roll off of Austin and laugh, sitting up. Austin sits up next to me and leans on my shoulder. The boy grins at us and hugs the girl next to him.
"I love you!" He says, kissing her cheek.
"Eww! Cooties!" The girl screams, running away. The boy chases her. Austin and I laugh.
"Little kids are so cute!" I say. Austin doesn't respond. I turn to him and he's just looking at me and smiling, his quirky little half-smile, the one I've grown to love. My heart begins to pound faster. Somehow he still gets me like a screaming school girl. His green eyes sparkle with the snow. I feel heat rise to my cheeks as he leans in slowly. He kisses me lightly, but not without passion. The world around us fades. I hear the children around us give a chorus of "eww's" and "aww's" but I pay them no attention. The biting air around us seems to lose its teeth and I stop shivering. He runs his fingers through the hair outside of my beanie.
"Just getting the tangles out." He mutters against my lips. I smile into the kiss. After a little bit, he pulls away. He smiles at me, tilting his head in the adorable way he does. I beam back at him, heart pounding.


After messing around in the snow for a couple more hours, my lips started to turn blue, and, despite Austin's attempts to "warm them up" by kissing me again and again, we decided we needed to go in. So we went into the warm-ish house and Austin fixed us some hot chocolate. I held the mug in my hands tightly, enjoying the warmth. Noticing my continuing shivers, Austin grabbed a fluffy blanket and opened it for me. I tucked into his arms gratefully. We turned on Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and enjoyed each other's company (and warmth) for the rest of the day.

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