My New Daddy

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Chapter 1

"Should we keep him?" my mother asked.

"Yes mommy!" I enthusiastically replied. Who knew the worst mistake of my life would be at four years old. My mother had married him that very year. If only we had known what kind of man he really was.

Things seemed fine in the beginning. I was excited yet nervous to be moving into a new house. To a new town. It was the middle of winter so so I had to start off as the new kid in school instead of starting kindergarten with everyone else.

I walked into class holding my mommy's hand. Instantly I saw the big doll house in the toy section. "Mommy look!" I shouted with joy, running up to the magnificent toy.

By the time I turned around my mother was walking out the door. Hoping she could get out while I was distracted. I ran up to her with tears in my blue eyes. "Mommy don't leave!" I cried.

"Don't worry mommy will be back after school to pick you up," she tried soothing me. Running her hands over my long blonde hair, she kissed my forehead and left.

I waited for 2 hours after school that day before anyone came to get me. "Mommy where were you?" Crying, I ran up to her and wrapped my little arms around her legs.

"I'm so sorry Brook. I just unpacked the clock and saw what time it was," she replied.

Mrs. Heart did not look convinced though. "If you had no clock until now how were you able to get her awake and to school on time this morning?" My teacher said as she approached us.

"Excuse me? Brook is my daughter. I would not lie to her. I spent all day looking for that damn clock! And if you must know, my husband set the alarm on his cell phone in order to get Brooklynn to school on time! He has been at work all day leaving me to look through all the boxes! I have done my damned best! I would like to see you look through all of that on your own with young boys running through the house destroying everything!" My mother was furious someone she didn't even know tried judging her.

Mrs. Heart obviously did not expect much more than a simple excuse and a sorry. Her face was bright red at my mother's reaction. My mother may be a simple 5 foot tall dark blonde, but she was a strong minded woman.

Before Mrs. Heart got a chance to respond my mother picked me up in her arms and carried me out the door. Looking up to her bright blue eyes I saw a slight smile on her face. She was quite proud of herself. First day in town and she had already managed to make an impression.

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