13: Middle School

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Chapter 13

Years went by. They were all the same. Frank would beat us and eventually someone would call the cops. While he sat in jail my mother would fight for his release. After a few times I stopped being so surprised when my mother would let Frank come home right away. By middle school I lost track how many times Frank was in and out of jail. I don't even remember the last time he wasn't on probation.

Being constantly beaten I lost my confidence and any self-esteem I could've had at age eleven if I would have had a normal upbringing. Of course by this point it was normal to me.

I was stuck in hideous clothes that never fit right still. All things I wouldn't wear if I had a chance to go shopping. I've been stuck with my cousins old clothes nonstop since that dreadful day in elementary.

I push the thoughts of the past in the back of my mind and continue down the hallway. I carry a huge stack of text books with me since I won't be able to make it back to my locker before lunch. I don't know why I bother bringing everything anyways. most of the time I don't do the work. Probably so the teachers don't say something infront of the entire class. I don't like the attention on me.

While imagining myself passing out while standing up infront of my class to get a book I run into someone. All of my books fall to the ground and my papers scatter. I watch in horror as people step on my things and laugh at me.

"Sorry Brooklynn," my two year crush says.

Flushing in embarrassment I reach down to start gathering my things. Eric helps me and I avoid looking at him. I'm to afraid I'll cry from the people glaring at me.

"Thank you," I say after we stand back up.

Eric hands me the things he collected from the floor. "No problem Brooklynn. I gotta go before I'm late," he says backing down the hall.

"OK. See you in art."

"Yeah. Save me a seat," he turns around to leave.

The biggest and only smile I've had all day forms on my face as I head to class.


As I'm sitting in art at one of the large rectangular tables my heart pounds. I don't need to worry about saving him a seat since wherever I sit is the last table filled. I have a few friends, but none of them are in this class with me.

Hearing the chair a across from me slide across the floor I look up. My face falls in disappointment as I see a girl with long dark hair and brown eyes. Glancing around the room I'm surprised to see most of the tables still have barely any people.

"Heather?" her friend asks as she approaches the table. She was clearly confused at her seating choice.

"Hi! Sit down with us!" Heather replies happily.

I study the other girl. She has short dark hair and green eyes. A scowl appears on her face but she decides to sit without arguing.

"You're Oliver's sister right?" Heather asks.

"Um. Yeah," I respond cautiously.

Understanding crosses the other girls face. "I'm Carry!"

"Brooklynn," I shift uncomfortably in my seat.

Glancing at the door I see Eric come in. I start to smile while watching him walk towards my table. He doesn't even look at me as he walks straight past us and to a table with a bunch of guys. My face falls again for the second time before class even starts.

I was ready about to rudely ask Heather and Carry what they want before the bell rang. The teacher walked out of the back room and started calling out names for us to retrieve the paintings we have been working on. After grabbing my half finished dragon I head back to my seat. Painting obviously isn't my talent. My dragon sort of looks like a slug.

"So you like Eric?" Heather asks. She's obviously the more friendly one of the two.

I can feel my face heat up,"No!"

Carry scoffs, "She obviously does. Lets get him over here!"

Before I can respond Heather excitedly leaps out of her chair and heads over to Eric with Carry. It's not to loud in the room so I listen to make sure they don't say anything about me. Luckily they didn't. After just a short few minutes they help Eric over with his things.

"Heather you know Brooklynn in Oliver's sister right?" Eric asks her.

I watch as Heather's face turns red and she nods. "What's the big deal about my brother?" I question.

Carry leans back in her chair with her arms crossed and looks over at Heather with a smirk before answering, "Heather likes him."

"Carry!" Heather hides her face in her hands in embarrassment.

I look over at her slightly amused. She really thinks she can get to my brother through me? Now that my oldest brother, Jordan, moved home from his father's house Oliver and I no longer get along to well. Normally the only time we talk is when he's bored or picking on me.

"So Brook, think you could introduce the two?" Carry asks.

I shift in my seat. I've never even talked to Heather or Carry before today. Obviously they're using me, but do I really care at this point? No. I guess not. It's not like we are ever really going to be friends.

Heather interrupts my thoughts, "I've tried to go up and talk to him a few times but every time I'm about to he's with a bunch of people or I chicken out."

"It's not like it would be any less awkward if I came up to him in the hall with you. If anything it will be even weirder. What am I supposed to do? Go up to him and be like 'Oh brother I just want you to meet this person who I know nothing about.'? I don't think that will go over to well."

"Heather, Brook has a point," I'm not to sure how I like Carry calling me Brook.

We all just sit in silence. Carry still has her arms crossed with a smug look on her face. Heather is picking at her fingernails looking slightly defeated. Eric is painting like nothing is going on around him. And I am looking at the three of them debating if I should suggest a solution or just drop it so they will leave me alone. Basically let myself be used, or decide to never put up with anything like it.

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