10: My New Toy

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Chapter 10

"Hi Mommy!" I yelled as I jumped up on her lap. When I walked in with my father my Mom and Frank were sitting at the table.

Frank turned to look at me with a smirk on his face. "Little Brooklynn I have something for you. "

"What is it?" I asked timidly. The last time he said that he shoved snow in my face last winter.

He pulled out a stuffed animal from behind his back. It was a cute little baby penguin. I lunged for the penguin, "I love it!" I screamed.

My mom put her hand on my shoulder to get my attention. "What do you say Brooklynn?"

I replied automatically as I normally did to Frank, "Thank you, Daddy." I looked up just in time to see the anger flash across my real father's face.

Oh well. I thought. Better to be in trouble later with Jack than now with Frank and Mom.

My parents didn't talk long. They never do. Jack always stands right by the door to get in and out as quick as possible. My father was ready about to leave so I ran over to him. Throwing my arms around his legs I tried to hold back my tears. "When will you come get me again?"

My father didn't hug me back. Then again, he never has for as long as I can remember. He just stands there until he pries me off of him. "I don't know. Soon as I can," he said emotionless. "Well I suppose, " my father sighed. After he pried me off him he simply walked out the door. No goodbye.  No I love you. Has he ever said 'I love you' to me? I didn't know.

My new toy might have been from Frank, but I loved it. Penny the Penguin was adorable. Frank seemed to be sincerely happy that I enjoyed his gift. It made me warm up to him a little bit even though I definitely didn't want to be around him still.

I grabbed Penny the Penguin's flippers and spun around in circles. I purposefully spun until I was so dizzy I fell onto the couch. After doing it a few more times I realized some people were in the kitchen with my mom and Frank.

I sat down and listened from the couch. There was no way I wanted to go out there if there was drinking going on but I was curious who was in my house. The first thing I noticed were cans opening. Of course. They were drinking. Not that I ever truly doubted that's what was going on. It sounded like it was just some people Frank worked with along with my Aunt Heather.

When I opened my eyes I jumped. I was paying so close attention to the sound of the voices to figure out who the people were I didn't notice Frank had come in. He was sitting on the arm of the couch. It was obvious he sat there with effort trying to balance. Frank leaned in towards me and whispered, "You know I love you right Brooky?" Frank had a slight slur to his words but I was used to that.

"I love you too," I replied automatically. The hell I did.

"Good. Good. You know, Jack doesn't love you. Only I do. He's not a real father. I'm your Daddy. I raise you and pay for your shit," he sounded like it half came from his heart and was half trying to upset me. I may have been young but I was around all of this so much I knew what was going on. By that age I have seen to much to not have been beyond my years.

I just nodded. I wanted him to go back to the kitchen. If you had an empty cup that's how much Jack is your father. If you had a full cup that's how much I am," he slurred. Frank was making absolutely no sense.

"Come here," Frank grabbed my hand a little to hard and pulled me off to the kitchen. When he got to his chair he sat down and pulled me up onto his lap. I left Penny the Penguin on the couch so I just sat there awkwardly.

My mom saw my discomfort and was still sober so she decided to try and save me. "Coming to say goodnight Brooklynn? It's getting pretty late."

"No no no no. My baby girl doesn't have to go to bed do you Brooky? " Frank protested.

"It's okay I'm really tired," I faked a yawn and rubbed my eyes.

He frowned, " But don't you want to stay up so you know how much I love you and Jack doesn't?" By this point Frank seemed more child than adult. Then again he usually did when he wasn't being scary.

"She knows you love her. Don't you Brooklynn?" my mom countered.

I realized we had to be careful to not upset him in order for tonight to go without violence. "Yeap! But I need to go to sleep Daddy. I love you goodnight, " I kissed him on the cheek and hopped off his lap.

After saying my goodnights to everyone I grabbed Penny the Penguin off the couch and headed off to bed.

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