6 - Bruised

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Chapter 6

Staying with my Uncle Tony was great. A little frightening knowing Frank probably knew where we were, but comforting knowing Uncle Tony wouldn't stop at anything to protect his family.

My mom had to call my school to say we went out of state for a funeral. There was no way we could pass me off as running into a door or tripping on a stair this time. This is the first time my mom left Frank. For once I'm hopeful this will all be over.

I layed on the couch in pain for what seemed like weeks and weeks. although it was most likely only one. My mom cried a lot. Everytime I saw her she had red puffy eyes.

"Jennifer once Brook is back in school we will go back and get your things," I overhead my Uncle say. I'm laying on the couch. Just waking up from a nap. I pretend like I'm still sleeping so I can listen in.

"But what about Brooklynn's school? She can't go back and forth every day Anthony," my mother argues back.

"She can go back for a few days to say goodbye. Maybe a week at most."

"We can just stay with Frank until the end of the school year," she sounds like her mind has been set from the beginning.

"No Jennifer! You saw what that bastard did to your daughter! You guys are staying here! That's it!" with that I can hear him walk away.

I finally decide to sit up. I'm excited to think we could stay here. We never have to go back. "Morning baby girl," Mom sighs.

"Hi Mommy!" I beam. I run into her arms. Happy for the first time in a long time. "Why are you sad?" I don't understand. why isn't she happy we can stay?

"Nothing honey. Uncle Tony brought breakfast. Lets go eat."


It took another week before I got to go back to school. I was happy to see Jessica. Mom told me I wasn't allowed to tell anyone we were moving and if anyone asked we stayed with my uncle in Illinois. The office and my teacher were introduced to my Uncle Tony so they knew he could pick me up from school that day.

School was a blur. Not to many people asked me about Illinois since everyone was told I was at a funeral. Which is good considering I've never been there. "What was it like to see a dead body?" I was asked once again by a boy. This time it was Cole.

"Ewwww!" all the girls around me said in unison. Jessica rolled her eyes. She has heard this just about as much as I have today.

"I didn't see! My mommy said I couldn't," I repeated the story I was told to tell. I couldn't wait for the day to be over. All I wanted was to go back to Uncle Tony's house. The thought made me smile.

Just then the teachers phone rang. "Mrs. Adam's room. This is her speaking," she said cheerily. "Yes I'll tell her. Goodbye." She hung up the phone and headed towards me. "Brooklynn your mom called. She said to walk home after school."

"Oh. Okay," I sighed. Was I going to pack up my things?

It was a long walk home. I have heard my mom say it's about a mile walk. Convinced my mom wanted help to pack my stuff I got there about as fast as my little legs could carry me while walking up an almost constant hill.

When I opened the front door I heard the TV on. Thinking my mom was either done packing or taking a break I continued with my happy facade. That is until I walked into the living room. My mouth opened as if I was going to say something but nothing came out. My eyes bulged out of their sockets. I think I slightly whimpered like a dog running in fright with his tail tucked between his legs. That's exactly what I wanted to do. I wanted to run. Far, far away. Frank was reclined in a big black rocking chair. It was a new addition but was obviously far from new. My mother was in his lap. Quite willingly.

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