The Benefits of Being Sick

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Chapter 5

By the time my parents got home I was outside for four hours. If a child is out that long by choice in the winter, wearing the appropriate clothes of course, it doesn't tend to be that big of a deal. In those cases the child is usually running around throwing snow or running back up a hill after sliding down. Simply enjoying themselves. I, however, was afraid. When I made my way up the snowbank and back into my own yard I it hit me harder than before. I would not be getting back into the warmth and comfort of my own home. I had no clue when my mom would be home. And I hadn't the slightest idea of where they had gone.

Even if I knew my neighbors well enough to go knocking on their doors I would still have no way to reach anyone. I was to afraid to go anywhere else so my only option was to stay put and hope they came back soon. I tried to continue sledding, but I had no enthusiasm for it. I was like a zombie. Sit down. slide down. walk up. repeat. It only took five minutes to give that up.

Next I decided I would make snow angles. I kept messing them up trying to stand up. I'd gaze down after each one looking at the imperfections. Finally I just layed there in the middle of a snow angel. I don't know how long I stared at the cloudless sky before I fell asleep. I dreamt of warmth. Blankets. A fire place. A bath. My mother calling my name. Huh. That doesn't make sense. "BROOK! BROOKLYNN! WAKE UP!"

My eyes snapped open once realization hit me. It wasn't a dream! My Mommy was home! She caught me just in time as I jumped in her arms. She hugged me close carrying me inside. My snow suit was soaked all the way through and my jeans were becoming extremely wet. the only dry thing was my shirt. Mom had to help me change into dry clothes. I felt like I had no strenghth left to use. Standing made my legs shake and my head spin.

"We need to take her to the hospital. She needs to be checked out!" my mother kept insisting.

"No Jennifer! If we take her in CPS will find out! We'd g charged with neglect! Do you want them to throw you in jail and take your daughter away!?" Frank yelled. With that my mother looked defeated. She dropped into the blue rocking chair and cried. Frank walked away looking victorious.

After what seemed like forever my mom got up to shut the door to my room. The smell of my vomit sitting in the bucket next to my bed finally making its way out into the living room. A while later she returned with some soup. I didn't see anyone again that night.

It was kind of nice being sick. Frank didn't want to come near me. Terrified he would catch the flu. I got to stay home in bed all week. I'm feeling considerably better but have been afraid of Frank finding out. The not so great part is the fact I've gotten nothing but soup and crackers. By this point I'm starving.

I was home alone. My mom and Frank needed to go grocery shopping. Finally. I get to sneak some real food. I don't know what time they left considering I was asleep and found out through a note on my door. There isn't much that I can make. I settle for some pepper Jack cheese. It was a delicious shock to my taste buds. I wanted more. No. I needed more.

Grabbing some cool ranch Doritos I made my way to the living room to watch some cartoons. I was so delighted I got to eat chips and paying to much attention to Cinderella I didn't hear my mom and Frank pull into the driveway. All of a sudden I hear the front door unlock. Jumping up I grab for the remote to turn off the TV. In my nervousness it drops on the floor. Batteries bounce out and roll under the L shapped couch right as the front door opens.

I'm like a deer caught in headlights. Frank notices me at the same moment, along with my Mom. We all stand there for only a few seconds but it feels like hours. Frank staring at me with shock and anger. Me at him in terror. My mom at me, first in relief, then with worry as she registers Frank.

I give my mom one pleading look as Frank unfreezes and bounds towards me. "MOMMY!" I scream as he tackles me to the floor. My head bashes off the floor and I scream out in agony.

"SHUT UP!" He screams as his fist flies at my face. Right before the second blow my mom is there. She's able to stop him merely out of the element of surprise. It doesn't last long. He easily pushes her hundred pound body out of the way with his terrifying two hundred pounds of mostly muscle.

He hits me again and I no longer can see. Both eyes are swollen shut. A mixture of blood and tears roll down my face. I scream as loud as my lungs will allow. He yells for me to shut up once more as he grabs a pillow off the couch beside us. Shoving it into my face he successfully muffles my cries for help. Frank starts to beat me with what I believe to be the remote while one hand holds the pillow in place.

My legs are pinned by his crushing weight while my hands are free. I claw at his hand to free my face. Nothing helps. I'm slipping into darkness. At first it scares me. Then I notice the pain is fading. Sweet relief. I welcome this darkness.

Just as I try to embrace it and let myself completely fall under I feel all pressure removed. Pillow included. Am I dead? I wonder. No. I think I'm breathing. I feel myself being lifted. Confused, I try to open my eyes. Nothing.

"Brooklynn it's okay now. You and your mom are coming home with me," my uncle Tony says.

"How?" I barely manage a whisper.

"Shhhh. Your Mom called me. Rest now." He soothes me. And with that I fall into a deep needed sleep. I'm saved. For now.

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