Standing Up For Friends

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Chapter 3

Jessica and I started school a few days later. Once we found out we were in the same class we became instant best friends. It seemed really hard on her to be the new girl. Considering the first day of school she managed to completely embarrass herself.

Jessica was off finding the bathroom down the hall when Kyle burst back into the room a minute or so after she left. "THE NEW GIRL WALKED INTO THE BOYS BATHROOM!" He shouted.

The room went silent. Everyone in the room stared at Kyle including the teacher. One girl started to giggle causing all the kids to unfreeze. While every other student erupted with laughter I ran out of class to find Jessica.

I slowly walked into the girls bathroom hoping she was in there and not still in the boys for some reason. When I saw all the stalls open and no one by the sinks I began to turn on my heels. Just as I was about to open the door to leave I heard some sniffling. Confused, I followed the sound to the other side of the trash can.

I saw Jessica sitting on the ground with her legs against her chest and her head on her knees. "Are you OK?" I could tell she wasn't but I didn't know what else to say.

"No!" She wailed. "Everyone's going to make fun of me!"

"It's OK . You just don't know our school yet. I can help next time," I smiled slightly. I tried my best to soothe my new friend.

Finally Jessica looked up at me with red, puffy eyes. "You will?"

"Sure!" Jessica smiled at this, making me smile as well. "Oh! We can be friends!"

"OK!" She jumped off the floor excited. I was officially Jessica's first friend at our school.

When we walked into class several students laughed. The teacher just looked at Jessica in pity, deciding to see how things played out, hoping the kids would just drop it.

"Jessica did you forget you're a girl!?" Someone yelled rhetorically causing even more laughter.

"Shut up!" I snapped. I was not going to stand by while my friend was picked on. My outburst made a handful of students glare at me while the rest just appeared to be shooked.

"Settle down children. Get back to your stories," the teacher finally cut in.

Jessica and I sat down at our desks. She looked up at me and smiled. Even after being made fun of, the knowledge that I would stick up to roughly 15 kids for her all at once made everything seem OK.


This chapter was supposed to be longer but my tablet is acting up. Ill add more tomorrow or later tonight if its fixed by then. comments on thoughts so far?

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