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chapter  23

Right as Frank was advancing towards me a car pulled up in the driveway.

"Fuck. Go get dressed," Frank told me under his breath.

I didn't have to be told twice.  Quickly, I wrapped the towel around myself and hurried down the hall.  Careful not to slam the door so I wouldn't infuriate Frank I slipped into my room. once it was closed  I slid down my door and began to shake.  Who knows how far he would have taken things if someone hadn't pulled up.

No. I thought.  If I let this get to me I'll never pull myself together to go out and face him when I have to.

Getting up, I went over to my dresser.  I decided the more coverage my clothes have the better.  I found a pair of old sweat pants and a loose fitting shirt and called it good.

Staying in my room for as long as possible was definitely the way to go.  Under my bed I had the game boy my brother gave to me when he got his play station along with his games. Deciding on pokemon I nestled into my bed and choose the cutest pokemon I could find.  The little charmander was always my first choice.

It was getting dark out by the time anyone bothered to see what I was doing. My mom came walking into my room with a bowl in her hands.  I looked at her curiously as she set it on my nightstand.

"Frank said you aren't feeling good," she said when she noticed my confusion.  "Do you want crackers too? "

the corners of my lips twitched as if to smile. That's about as much smiling as I do these days. "No, thanks mom. "

My mom sighed and sat on the edge of my bed.  "Listen honey,  someone's buying the house. "

"But, we rent this place, " I protested.

Her shoulders sagged a little bit.  "I know.  And I don't think we can stay here anymore.  It sounds like they want to. "

"Where will we go?"

"Well, we could find a place here or possibly move towns."

My eyes widened in excitement. I could have a fresh start at a new school where nobody knows me.  "We should move!  Far away I mean!"

"You know your brother isn't going to like that," she frowned.

I was about to cross my arms but then remembered how much she hated that.  If she started yelling at me Frank would definitely come in here. "He'll make new friends.  Oliver is really good at it."

"We'll see.  Eat your soup." With that she got up and walked out of the room.


I couldn't sleep.  I had no clue what time it was but hours have passed. It sounded like everyone was asleep so I decided to go find something to snack on. As soon as I was stepped in the living room I saw Frank sitting on the couch with a beer in his hand. I tried to turn around and leave but Frank stopped me.

"Why don't you come sit with me Brooklynn? "

Cautiously I went over and sat in the rocking chair.  Hoping he  .  wouldn't notice the distance I was trying to keep.

"No.  Come here, " he patted the spot right next to him. 

I knew I didn't really have a choice. Listening being in my best interest I went over to him.

"I know what you were trying to do earlier, " he smiled darkly.

"W- what was i trying to do? " I trembled.

He put his hand on my leg.  "First trying to get my attention by swimming half naked.  Then disappearing into your room when you're mother got home."

I wanted to vomit. He was delusional along with being just plain crazy.

"You know we can't let your mother find out what a little whore you are now can we? "

I swallowed the bile rising in my throat as his hand inched up my thigh.

"I said can we? " he asked dangerously.

"N-no." I half answered, half said no to his advancing hand.

Frank smirked. He leaned over so his left hand could grip at my side.  I was frozen.  I desperately wanted to push him off of me but I knew it would only make things worse.

"I want to feel your skin baby, " he breathed on my face.

Frank's hand went down my side just to go under my shirt and back up. His fingers felt like they were burning me.  Every touch was searing my skin like he was the devil himself.  I just wanted it to end.

"I have a better idea. Go to your room. "

I got up as fast as I could and ran off to my room.  Four words constantly going through my head like a silent plea.

Please don't follow me. Please don't follow me. Please don't follow me.

My heart sunk as I heard his footsteps getting closer to my door. I could feel a scream building in my chest as the door knob started turning.

All of a sudden Oliver stepped in my room.  My breath left me all at once as I knew I was some what safe.  Frank never touched me when someone was around.

"Brooklynn.  Don't go in the living room ok? "

I nodded quickly.  If only he knew.  If Only I could tell someone. Frank's voice from long ago echoed in my head.  If you tell anyone I will kill them right in front of you then fuck you next to their dead body.

My eyes watered.  "What's going on? " I asked hesitantly.  Did I really want to know?

Disgust crossed my brothers face.  "Frank's out there naked. "

"Will you stay in here for as little bit? " I begged.

Oliver looked at my broken face and sighed.  " Sure thing little sister. "

"Thanks brother. "

We fell asleep that night talking about what life would be like if either of our father's haven't left.

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