Chapter Eighteen

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Dedicated to mowlrules for being ITIHYKOL's #1 fan.


"Charlotte." He purred, crooking a finger in a 'come-here' motion. "Sweetheart, come to me."

I dug my nails into the wood of my window sill as my head peered out to look at him below on my grassy lawn. The night breeze whipped my hair behind me and my white tank top clung to my shivering skin.

Carson's eyes flashed into a turquoise blue that was as luminous as a wolf's in the dark. I leaned out an inch more to see them better as if I was a moth drawn to the flame. He grinned and my heart stuttered.

He didn't have teeth, he had fangs. Like a wolf. White, pearly fangs that I knew had recently been in deer flesh.

"Sweetheart." He crooned. "Sweetheart, climb down to me. I don't bite." But his sentence ended with a flashing grin of fangs and malicious intent. I leaned out an inch more, the wooden edge digging into my stomach.

"How do I know you're telling the truth?" I found myself saying. My voice sounded fuzzy, as if it was underwater. Yet, he seemed to hear me. I watched his eyes brighten and grin widen.

"You're just going to have to trust me. Jump Charlotte, jump for me." He opened his arms wide, grinning that unnerving grin that made my heart beat ever faster.

It was a death sentence. He wasn't going to catch me. I would fall and break my neck on the hard ground, splayed in an unnatural position. This would be the end of my life.

My thoughts screamed for me to stop, I was going to get hurt, but my body had other ideas.

Shaking, I climbed out the window until I was sitting on the sill, my hands raised above me to hold on to the windows above edge. My hands were clammy, my grasp not that steady though I was clutching on to my life line as much as possible.

"Jump for me, sweetheart. I've apologized. Do this for me Charlotte, and I'll let you be with your family." His voice was becoming more urgent and he kept his arms open. His grin didn't falter. "Jump!"

"N-no." I stuttered though my body leaned foreword a little as if to get closer to him. He noticed and amusement gleamed in his alluring eyes.

"Come, babe. Jump. I'm not going anywhere."

"I-I want you to go."

He didn't appear to hear me. "Jump for me Charlotte. Jump!"

One of my hands released the wood and I remained sitting with only one sweaty hand keeping me from falling. I dug my nails in the window edge.

Stop! Charlotte what are you doing? You're playing right in the monster's hands! Do you want to get killed? Don't let him trick you! Brainwash you!

But my body wouldn't listen despite my desperate pleas to stop. Tears stung my eyes as I leaned an inch forward.

"Charlotte stop!" I could hear my brother cry behind me, but I couldn't turn around. I was trapped in place by fear. "Don't jump Char!"

"Jump, little rat. Pea-brains like you don't deserve to live. Just hope Car doesn't catch you!" Jay sneered and though I couldn't see him, I knew he was laying on my bed, arms behind his head. I wanted to tell him to get out of my room, but my mouth couldn't move.

"Jump for me sweetheart!" Carson called from below. "Jump for me, jump for me!"

"Werewolf lover. Go to your little mate fiend. You deserve each other." Stacy snapped and she and Jay snickered.

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