Chapter 8

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Elsa's POV

Merida and I walked out of class to see Hiccup and Eugene from class as well.

" Hey guys!" A too familiar voice said from a far. I turned my head to see my sister, Anna.

" Guys this is my sister Anna. Anna, meet Merida, Hiccup and Eugene." I said as I smiled widely.

" Hi guys! I'm Anna, Elsa's sister! Nice to meet you!" Anna said in a bubbly voice.

" Well this lad is a very jolly one ey?" Merida said with a smirk. Anna and I exchanged looks and giggled at what Merida said.

" Wait a minute... HICCUP?" Anna said in complete shock as her finger pointed at him.

" Hey Anna," Hiccup said in a cool tone.

" And she just realized....." Eugene said, rolling his eyes. I looked at him and chuckled, typical Anna.

" OMG I DIDN"T KNOW YOU MOVED HERE! Elsa missed you so much you don't even know. Every single day, she'll be rambling about the past memories she had with you and Punzie." Anna said in complete happiness.

I looked at Hiccup and turned as red as a tomato. Hiccup looked at me and gave a nervous smile, saying," Looks like we have a lot to catch up on eh?"

" Yes, we do,Hicc." I said, giving him a look showing glee.

Anna and I talked with the rest for a while before bidding good-bye. We walked out of school until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned my head to the left to feel a finger poking my cheek and a happy looking Hiccup.

"I AM SO GETTING YOU BACK FOR THAT!" I practically screamed.

Hiccup chuckled and said, " Okokok let's see about that huh. Anyway, I was wondering if i could walk you and Anna home?"

" Sure! Plus I think our mom would love to hear the good news that you're here!" Anna said out of nowhere.( Wild Anna out of nowhere lol)

So , Hiccup, Anna, and I walked back to our new house. It wasn't big but it wasn't small either. It had a lovely stone path to enter the house, as well as beautiful colourful flowers surrounding it. It wasn't much, but it was beautiful, and I loved it. It seemed to bring me vibes of Norway, my original hometown.
Hiccup's POV

I looked at the house, and man was I blown away. It was beautiful! It was completely different from Elsa's old house, but it was a good different.

" Wow! Your house is beautiful!" I exclaimed with joy.

Almost as beautiful as you. I thought to myself. I didn't say it though, because it would be obvious that I was flirting with her.

Anna knocked on the door to reveal Elsa and Anna's mother, Idun, in a simple yet stunning dark teal dress and brown hair in an updo.

" Welcome home Elsa and Anna! " Idun said, hugging them.

" Hi mom," Elsa and Anna said in unison, and giggled after.

Elsa and Anna's mom turned her head to see me and said , astonishly," Hiccup?"

" Hello,Mrs. Arendelle. It's been a long time hasn't it?" I said, smiling.

" Oh have I missed you," she said, signaling me that she wanted to hug me.

I went towards her and felt the warmth and love of a kind hearted mother all over me. It was an amazing feeling, something only Elsa and Anna's mom could do on me.

" Okay mom you can have your " mother and son" bonding INSIDE the house ok?" Anna said while Elsa giggled.

" Right, I almost forgot," Their mother said, blushing.

Elsa and Anna walked in the house first, and their mother saw me and said," Come on Hiccup, come in now."

" Oh Mrs Arendelle, I would love too, but I wouldn't want to worry my mom wouldn't I?" I said nicely.

" Oh...." She said. " Well , tell your mom I said hi and tell her someday we should meet up and catch up," She continued while winking at me.

I laughed and said," I will. Thank you once again Mrs. Arendelle."

" No problem Hiccup. Remember, you're always welcomed at our home." She said kindly.

I looked at her one more time before I
walked on the stone pathway, leaving their house, alone.

I walked to my house which was actually not too far from theirs. I took out my keys, and unlocked the door to go inside and see my mother cooking in the kitchen.

" Oh son, where have you been?!" My mother said as she ran to see me. She had a worried look on her face as she examined me to see if I was injured.

"Sorry I came home late mom, I was busy walking Elsa and Anna home," I explained.

" Its okay s- you met Elsa and Anna?!" My mother exclaimed in shock.

" Yea they seem to have moved from Pensslyvania. Coincidence or fate, I don't know." I said. " Oh and by the way, Mrs. Arendelle told me to say hi to you and to ask whether you have any free time to talk and hangout with her."

" Such a coincidence...." My mother said.

Anna's POV

Elsa and I entered our house to see the beautiful interior. Even though this isn't the first time I've seen this house, the interior never ceases to stop amazing me. Right when you go in, above you is a beautiful chandelier that shone bright among the rest. The interior of the house was simple, but it made good use of all the space there was, making this house even more spectacular.

I saw mom talking to Hiccup for awhile before he left and she shut the door.

She said," I cannot think that this meeting was fate. I still do not know why you don't like him. He is an amazing man and such a kind-hearted gentleman."

" Same haha," I said while laughing.

Elsa looked at us and said," Oh gawd no. Mom, Anna, you both know Hiccup is a brother to me, and nothing more."

Mom said, " Oh Els I know, just saying though..." She then left.

Elsa sighed and went up the stairs to her room, and she was no longer to be seen.

I smiled and said to myself," Wait and see yourself Els." I smirked at the thought and went up the stairs to my room.



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