Chapter 16: Find A Way

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Elsa's POV

We spent all night making the lyrics and the chords for the song, and at last it was done. I must be honest, last night wasn't that bad after all. I loved the song we made, and I had lots of fun with Jack too.

-flashback- ( been a long time my friend since a flashback)

"I'm hungry... Do you have some food?" He asked. I could literally hear his belly rumbling,but I didn't say a word.

"Let me check.." I said, as I walked to the fridge to see what I had." Sorry, all I got is ice cream." I shouted from the kitchen.

I took it out, and shut the fridge door, walking back to the living room with a spoon and a tub of chocolate ice cream with me.

I sat down, and started eating it while Jack was busy making the chords.

He looked up to me with his eyes wide open saying,"I knew I smelled chocolate in here! Oh my gosh. Are you eating this whole tub alone??"

" Yea most probs.." I said, not realizing my mouth had chocolate ice cream all over it.

He looked at me and started laughing, and then running to the kitchen to come back with a spoon and a box of tissues.

He took one and wiped my face with it, saying "You know, for a girl like you, I don't expect you to eat ice cream like a caveman who hasn't eaten in 5000 years you know.."

I blushed at the fact that he was wiping my face and I bet I looked like a clown.

" Well, you can't expect much from a girl like me," I said, trying to keep it cool, while I was laughing inside of me.

After cleaning my face, he took a spoon and tried to grab a spoonful of my ice cream, but I pushed his spoon away, causing it to accidentally hit his forehead.

"Hey! What was that for?!" He asked loudly.

"For trying to steal my ice cream!" I shouted back.

"Elsa so stingy..." He said as he crossed his arms, frowning like a little child who wasn't allowed to have candy.

"Fine! Just one spoonful!" I said, as I shoved the tub towards his face for him to get a spoonful.

He looked at me with his eyes full of joy, and he wolfed down about 5 spoonfuls.

He was gulping it down so fast, I couldn't say anything anymore.

I scooped a little bit of ice cream on my finger and smeared it on Jack's face.

"Oh. OH. IT'S ON ARENDELLE!" He shouted, in position to attack and chase me.

"Try to catch me first Frosty the Snowman!" I said while practically laughing.


Then we both started chasing each other, while trying to make each other's faces dirty with ice cream.

-end of flashback-

I smiled at the thought of the fun we had last night. Maybe Jack isn't that bad. I should give him another chance to prove himself right.

I quickly got ready for school and drove with Anna to school.

I reached there and immediately went to the music room. I'm pretty nervous. I have actually been practising for the song while I was in the shower just now. I just hope Jack remember's his lines.

Jack's POV

I rushed to the music room with my custom guitar with me. It was special because my dad customized it just for me. I spent all night trying to remember my lines because I didn't wanna screw up my grades and Elsa's grades and our perfomance in general.

Am I Worth It?//JelsaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora