Chapter 20: Hurt

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Merida'S POV

Ugh... HOW CAN ELSA NOT SEE THAT HICCUP IS ALL OVER HER? The way he looks at her when she talks, the way his eyes shine and shimmer when he talks to her, the way he softens when he's with her. It's so obvious! And I'm jealous.

Jealous of the fact that Hiccup treats me as if I'm a guy like Eugene and he treats Anna and Elsa differently. Especially Elsa.

Jealous that he likes her, but he doesn't like me. Jealous that Elsa gets all his attention without even trying, while I on the other hand try so hard, but I barely get any.

I envy Elsa. She doesn't even like him but he likes her. If I was in her position, I would enjoy it while I can. But I guess it's because she doesn't like him back.

Why? I don't know. He's perfect. His hair that is effortlessly perfect in every way possible. His green emerald eyes that were as green as grass and leaves. His smile that always made me have butterflies in my stomach.

I know. I look like a tough, tomboy girl, who never seems to be weak in any way. But I'm not how everyone sees me as. No matter how much I hate girly things like make up and dresses, nothing can change the fact that I'm a girl and I have emotions too.

Hiccup thinks I'm emotionless, but even guys like Eugene and himself have emotions too, its just that they don't show it as much as us girls do.

I guess I must accept the fact that Hiccup will never like me more than just a friend.

Anna's POV

OMG! JACK IS SO OVER ELSA! I mean if I knew this before, I would literally go up to him and punch his cold, heartless, smirking player face until it bleeds non-stop. But now that I see the actual new side of him, I think he's way better than what I thought he was before. Maybe I'll give him a chance.

Elsa's POV

*bell rings*

"Come on guys, we need to get to our homerooms," I said, as I stood up, carrying my tray of food.

The rest nodded and did the same. We went to throw the leftovers and put the trays where they belonged.

"Bye guys! See you after school!" Anna exclaimed loudly.

We all said our goodbyes as we went our seperate ways.

I squeezed my way through the crowd to my homeroom. Phew, thank God I wasn't squished to death.

I sat down in my seat, beside Jack's. Surprisingly, Jack wasn't here yet.

It felt like seconds when the class was already filled with people. Mrs. Clarissa came and the class started,but Jack was still absent. Where was he?

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and the door creaked open, showing a guy who's face was covered by the shadow formed from the light that hit his hoodie that was over his head. Wait... I recognized that jean blue coloured hoodie... It was Jack's.

"Excuse me, Mr. Frost. Why are you late?" Mrs. Clarissa asked.

" Sorry Ms. I needed to settle some things." He replied in a deep voice.

Woah, I've never heard his voice like that. Something must be up.

Mrs. Clarissa nodded, and the class continued.

He walked to his seat, with his head still down and hands inside his pockets. He was so quiet. This was very odd.

He sat down, not saying a word. I immediately had the urge to ask what was up.

"Jack? Are you ok?" I asked, trying to get a glimpse of his face.

No answer.


"Leave me alone. Please." He said, sounding much sadder than he was before.

" Is something wrong? Please tell me Jack I want to help you." I said, sincerely.

Once again, no reply.

I tried to see his face, and once I did, I was in complete shock.

His had a black eye, and crimson coloured blood came out of his nose. He also had a scar on his lip and left cheek.

"Jack, what happened? Are you ok? Do you need to go to the nurse?" I said, as gently and softly as I possibly could.

He turned his head to the right facing me, with sadness and hurt in his eyes, and looked back down again.

I did what I knew was right, but what I knew Jack didn't want.

" Mrs. Clarissa! Jack is injured. May I assist him to the nurse's room?" I said with my hand still raised up.

She nodded and I signalled Jack to come with me to the nurse.


What happened to Jack?

You'll find out....

*smirks evilly*

Am I Worth It?//JelsaWhere stories live. Discover now