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Sharp fangs were bared as a truly large and almost celestial wolf like creature snarled in a small black wolf's direction. Where a wolf's 'mane' around the neck would normally be glistened something akin to a mane of stardust and many colors of galaxies waved in a non-existant wind as its tail waved like the mane. The celestial wolf's eyes glowed with dark and light blue as it lowered its head to speak with the smaller wolf who jumped back to avoid the massive fangs. "Talarine... I await you..."

Tal awoke with a start. Xypherius was nowhere to be seen and she remembered that he had been summoned by the Archangels and sighed as her son cried out in hunger. He was eating solid foods now and she smiled as she stood to dress in her armor. She was wearing her armor more often now that she didn't need to give her son milk anymore. She went to his room and picked him up. "Good morning my pup." She greeted him as he yawned. She walked out and over to the fireplace as Xypherius walked in. "You seem upset." She observed as he sighed.

"Not upset, I am worried."

"Oh?" She asked as she placed her son at the small table to eat some fresh fruit to satisfy his stomach until she could make him a small breakfast. As Deckard nibbled on an apple, Tal warmed up some water to make a small cup of tea for him as since he had been weaned from her milk he preferred tea over cow milk. Unlike most 'normal' children, Deckard could speak full sentances and both his parents knew he would be a very smart man when grown. He would also be near his father's height when he was fully grown and he would be a larger wolf then his mother. He would be powerfully built and faster then any other wolf. Tal looked to Xypherius who was watching the boy with a father's pride.


Tal truly woke now. Something had disturbed her dream but what it was eluded her. When she closed her eyes to open them again it was to replay the dreams of those in the Heavens and what struck her was Ana's nightmare. But how? I took that ability away from Diablo! How did he...? Xypherius would know! Tal stood and took off towards the council chamber where Xypherius had been called too. She barreled through the Heavens as a wolf and any who were wise enough moved out of her way. She rushed past several angels and Shade was quick to join her when he 'saw' what she had seen. As she neared the chamber she called out to her beloved and the angels who guarded the door moved swiftly out of her way.

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