Chapter 7

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Xypherius looked around in slight confusion. He looked towards the Sphere and then walked out of the Chamber to be greeted by the sight of the nightsky. He could see all of his Angels hard at work with the Wolves but he sensed something and could not for his life place what it was. "What has disturbed me so?" He wondered aloud. Yes, his angels were still apart of the High Heavens, but having found this place he had urged them to help rebuild it; but this feeling he felt called him back to the Heavens.


Several daysand one return of Xypherius later, Talarine lay sleeping in the sun, doing that was a small guilty pleasure of hers, but it always revitalized her, even as little Deckard used her as a hurdle. She opened her eyes as he bound over her again and she huffed a laugh; she was surprised he had recognized her but like a mother knows her child so too does a child recognize their mother, and he had proven that. She rolled onto her stomach and he continued to use her as a playtoy; every once in a while she would flick the tip of her tail and he would pounce after it and then she would flick it away and he'd chase it. He bit her tail, and like a true mother wolf, she snapped her jaws above his head and growled in a repremending way. She was not aware of someone approching but she did watch as young Deckard went straight for his teething stick and practiced his growing hunting skill. It will be only a matter of time before he begins needing to learn the hunting skills to bring down prey. She thought to Xupherius as she rested her head down.

"Lady Talarine and Xypherius?" A voice asked as Tala looked to see an Angel from the Library of Fate come walking up. "The council would like to speak with you both." He explained as she flicked an ear back. She stood and Deckard looked to her. He ran right to her and she nuzzled him.

Mommy! Don't leave me again, mommy! He begged as she licked his fluffy fur.

I'm not leaveing you little one. Mommy needs to speak with the Archangels and Aunty Anaurael. He always reffered to Anaurael as Aunty for a reason she just could not explain for the life of her.

He looked up at her and whined. Can I come with? Pwease?

Maybe next time little one. What mommy needs to tell them is vital for their knowledge and records. She tried to explain to him as he wrapped himself around her leg. Deckard.... She couldn't help but give a small smile. She knew that whilw she had been gone he had been frightened without her, to the point of nightmares frightened; but now that he could see her and hear her again he completely and utterly REFUSED to leave her side. Alright, but you must be quiet. This will be your first lesson in hunting.

His eyes couldn't have grown any wider as she said that. He had pestered and pestered and pestered her until she promised to start his wolf hunting lessons. Would Malthael approve? He asked as she nodded. Through complete accident they had discovered that Little Deckard could see Malthael in both Wolf and Human forms, though Deckard was not connected to Anaurael in anyway; that had also been the day that he had been pestering Talarine nonstop about learning to hunt as a wolf. Malthael had made a comment and Deckard had responded in human form by doing what he did best: smart-mouthed the former Angel of Death while looking directly at Malthael. Talarine had repremened the boy after recovering with a smack of a bared fang to his little wolven muzzle, after he shifted to wolf form. He had yelped and had cowered close to the ground after but it had been his punishment and no one would stop her, though Anaurael did ask Tala to be a touch gentler with the boy.

Xypherius that day had been left clueless as of what had just happened but the look Talarine had given him had him worried about just how powerful the boy really would be. "We will be there momentarily." He smiled as he watched and listened to the exchange between mother and son. The angel left and he watched as Talarine picked the boy up by the scruff of his neck, His little legs wouldn't be able to keep up with them so she carried him most of the way to the chamber until Xypherius took him and held the boy in human form. "His second sight is extremely strong."

He will need to learn to control it somehow. We can see if its not to early to teach him to protect himself from darker spirits. Maybe Zayl or Mehtan can help him.


"A Necromancer friend of mine." Talarine spoke in human form. "I am unsure if Zayl would know how to reach Mehtan though. Unless..." Talarine reached into a pocket on her belt and brought out a small item, that she was sure Zayl would recognize. "Mehtan gave me this and told me if there was ever need of him, to have another Rathmain use it to track him down."

"What is it?" Xypherius asked as Talarine frowned.

"I don't know, I just hope Zayl will recognize it though. Mehtan could help with alot of things and it wouldn't hurt to have him on our side." Talarine was now hoping with a worried heart.

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