Chapter 3

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Play song at "but then a soothing" for best effect.

Tal looked out over the land, it was quiet this day, she was alone in her thoughts and wolf form and so Tal decided to reflect on her life. Her eyes closed and her memories came flooding back as she allowed them to swarm her mind, but then a sudden feeling of someone watching her had her eyes snap open and she turned her head to the left and let her left eye catch the gaze of a demon watching her. She turned her gaze back towards the towns as the demon approached slowly. It did not know that it had been spotted but as her ears folded back she bared her fangs and lunged, pinning the demon under her weight. Her fangs were just inches from his face and she could smell as well as see the fear his eyes and scent gave off. She called out to Xypherius,who walked up to the two, with his wings spread fully and waving around him, as they showed his calmness, but it was his voice that scared the demon more then the wolf pinning him down. "You are given a few minutes to speak before she slays you. Speak!" Xypherius commanded as the demon went cross-eyed trying to watch the fangs of the she-wolf.

"I have come under peaceful terms." He spoke but a snarl from Tal told him that she did not believe him for one minute. Xypherius drew his weapon as Tal removed her weight, but the angelic sword replaced her as the demon stood slowly. Just as he finished standing a noise caught the attention of everyone as Imperael came down. Tal was not about to ask but she could see that he was highly upset.

"Speak demon!" Xypherius commanded as Imperael walked towards them, his hulking form towering over the angel as Tal stood back listening, her tail swishing slowly side from side to show her irritation at the demon.

"I have come looking for that one." The demon pointed as Tal bared her fangs once more with a snarl as her ears folded back. Imperael looked to her then turned back to the demon.

"You dare speak of the Sacred Alpha?" His voice demanded the answer as the demons eyes widened.

"Imperael, brother, this demon is Uuthrew. He is a general from Realm of Destruction." Xypherius informed the Archangel. "Why are you hunting my mate?!" Xypherius was pissed now as the demon smiled.

"I have been sent by High General Trintho for her blood. It is the purest of all bloods. We will use it to free our master, Lord Baal, and corrupt the most of all uncorruptables, Your 'mate' the very queen of Night herself." Uuthrew laughed as Xypherius managed a growl as Tal felt her rage build up, but it was Imperael who acted next. Everything happened so quickly that Tal, Xypherius nor Imperael had time to act properly as a swarm of Demons attacked.

When they were all destroyed, Xypherius looked around and cried out. "TALARINE!" As he called out for the she-wolf, Imperael looked around but there wasn't sight or sound of the night colored wolf.


A pounding headache echoed throughout Tal's head as she noted being back in human form. She dared to open her eyes to be met with the sight of one area of the Burning Hells, but this was outside of the Realm of Terror, and so she did not recognize this place; soon a laugh had her roll onto her stomach and lift herself up to come eye to eye with another demon. "Let me introduce myself, Queen of the Night, I am Trintho. I am a General ranking Demon and one of the most loyal to Lord Baal. If you are wondering why you can understand my speech it is because of the Angels. You are so familier with their natural tongue that you can easily understand my own." The demon had a wicked grin as he spoke and Tal could only imagine the pain she was about to suffer. "Do not worry, I need your blood which we have now but we cannot begin the summoning process until you have been corrupted and that will be a touch hard to do with your mark but we will manage." The demon walked past her as sudden pain coursed through her body. "We will just have to awaken your most primal state of mind and erase any traces of humanity within you. As you can feel is attempting to happen now, your primal side is going to come out and you will be lost to their cause and that damned mark will vanish."

Tal snarled as she tried to hang onto her humanity but she could feel it slipping away ever so slowly as the pain drove it away and drove her to want to end it. She began to struggle and heard chains. She looked to see that her feet and wrists were bound with cuffs and a metal collar was around her neck with a chain attached to it as well. "Do not struggle. You will only make it worse upon yourself. The beast within should not be feared but enjoyed, you should be proud as you are an instrument of destruction, all creatures are. But you have a gift to become both human and beast. Oh and your angelic mate will gain only a headache as the pain rushes through you." Trintho laughed as he left her alone to struggle with herself.

"DAMN YOU DEMON!" Tal called out as pain raged unchecked. She could feel the untamed primal side trying to force her to transform and fell to her knees. Her only thought that came without pain was an apology to Xypherius. Forgive me my love, as I struggle through the pain. Talarine felt the transformation take place and screamed out in pain. Her bones broke and healed over as her human features such as arms and heels stretched out to a length for longer strides and reach; her hands became clawed as fur 'sprouted' all over her; where no tail had been one grew until it reached a certain length; her face stretched out into a muzzle as her teeth became wolven in nature and finally as she opened her now golden eyes, her pained screams became enraged roars. But still she struggled to keep her humanity even though it seemed like a hopeless cause.


Xypherius raised a hand to cover his head as pain came suddenly and swiftly. He was with the Archangels discussing a way to free Talarine and it had come up unexpectedly. He could hear the concerned voices of everyone within the room but his vision began to blur with how painful the headache was growing. She is struggling... He thought to himself as he felt the headache grow worse; in this moment all he wanted to do was hide away but his training kicked in and he suffered in a single spot as his vision began to grow dark.

But then a soothing and calming feeling settled over, not just him, but the room as well. Do not fret... An ancient voice spoke up causing everyone to look around for where it might have come from. Talarine will be fine... The voice spoke again as something akin to 'stardust' blew in from the window. It was soon replaced with the vision of a young woman whose own beauty was that of the nightsky. Her hair seemed to be alive as it waved around like a cascading waterfall; her armor glistened as dark as space itself; her eyes were the same blue as Talarine's eyes; and her power had everyone silenced except for Anarius; but the sight of her majestic form had everyone in shock. "I am Celene, Daughter of Anu, Queen of the realm of Night, Watcher of all things that belong to her, Keeper of the past and memories, Singer of stars and the Mother to the bloodline that leads to Talarine." Her voice held both power and ancient wisdom long forgotten.

No one spoke as Xypherius blinked quickly at the sight of this woman, who walked towards him. "You are the one who..." He watched her come close and nod.

"Talarine is my little Artemis reborn in a sense. She carries within her the pure powers of the Night and Stars. Her Voice, her Song, is pure as well as her blood as both echo in rythem with the stars. A star cannot be corrupted and nor can she."

"But the demons-"

"May try their best, but because of her heritage she has been blessed by creation itself. Her life will continue on so long as the stars shine in the sky and the galaxies dominate the universe." Celene spoke to Xypherius with a motherly smile. "You yourself are also blessed by Creation, you carry the potental to become a powerful Archangel and yet you choose to refuse that as something that is a want for others. Talarine is lucky to have you, Xypherius." Celene turned to face everyone then and smiled at Anarius, then she looked back to Xypherius. Celene spoke the next words as she walked towards the middle of the room. "You are a Pure Wolf claimed angel now Xypherius. You are also the sire to the first of a new kind of Angel hybrid. You will discover many new things at Talarine's side as time goes on. Together you two will change this Galaxy along with many others and a true balance will be reached and all will enter an era of peace never before seen." Celene prepared to leave but a question was asked by Xypherius that had her stop and smile at him.

"What should I call those who follow me? They cannot be referenced as the angels mated to the Sacred Pack forever."

"That is for you to discuss with the others." With that the woman vanished leaving everyone stunned.

Xypherius could not think of anything to say as silence fell upon the room once more. He stood there for a moment purely dumbfounded and then turned to the others as plans to rescue Talarine began again and a discussion about what to call him and his began.

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