Chapter 6

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Tal slept peacefully for the first time in days. But when she opened her eyes it was because the sound of the chains being removed had woken her. She looked to see several greed goblins were picking the locks and she bared her fangs until one managed to speak to her and she recognized it as the one that liked to haunt her forge when she was working in it or not. "Help you!" It spoke as she recovered her fangs. In wolf form she could not speak aloud but then a thought came to her. When the chains were removed and she was helped up she stratched something into the ground and the goblin understood "We gather. You go." The markings were wiped away as a portal opened leading to the Heavens, she walked through it with a lot of pain and one hell of a limp and the goblin vanished to gather up the vials of her blood, anything that held her blood was quickly cleaned up and taken away but the corpses of the dead demons remained.

When Talarine exited the portal, the pain that echoed endlessly throughout her body became worse and she collapsed as a familier voice called out her name in both surprise and worry. Talarine closed her eyes but opened them when a gentle hand was placed upon her. She looked to see Auriel, which was a touch odd to her, but she did not question it as she closed her eyes again only to feel herself lifted up by a pair of strong arms to be taken somewhere. but where too she did not know as a peaceful sleep took over. When she next opened her eyes she noted that she felt no pain but a dull throb in her back leg told her that a bone had been broken, had healed and had been rebroken and reset to heal properly with the salve. She wasn't feeling one hundred percent okay but she was better then before. She blinked the light from her eyes and rolled onto her stomach; she managed to weakly lift her head and look around to see that she was in a room of some kind. Her energy was drained but as she lay her head back down, Tyrael's voice spoke up now. "Talarine?!" He came over to her and leaned down next to her. She opened her eyes and looked to him with a tired huff; he noted that she didn't even try to stand to greet him and that told him more then words ever could. Physically she was healthy but it was her energy that was weak; she closed her eyes again with another huff and fell asleep. This lack of energy caused Tyrael to worry and he left but not before placing a hand upon her fur and running along her side. Through the armor he could not feel how soft the fur was but he was more worried about discovering why she was so weak even though the salve had been applied.


Talarine slept for several days and nights but still her energy would not return and she grew weaker by the day. Tal opened her eyes and rolled onto her side to sleep, every now and then she felt warmth wrap around her but with as weak as she was she doubted that it would help, She went to her own sanctuary but even here was being effected by whatever was draining her. She went to look for what could be doing such a thing but nothing was revealed to her. When she returned to her physical form, she could barely make out the voices that surrounded her. She did note that where ever she was now, the floor was much cooler underneath her; she managed to open her eyes and felt a hand rest upon her back between her shoulders in a comforting manner. She felt all eyes in the room on her and she did not want to feel this weakness infront of them and decided to see just how far she could push herself. She began to lift herself from the ground dispite the many protests she heard and, though it left her fatigued, she stood. She looked to them and part of her wondered how much longer her energy would last before she collapsed; her tail swished weakly but she remained standing as Anarius came into the room.

Talarine: Final Warحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن