Chapter 15

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Tal laid upon the sun warmed rocks, allowing herself a few moments of relaxation, at the request of Anaurael of course; but when she opened her eyes, she was greeted by a scent that seemed familiar to her. Tal lifted her head and looked around. That scent... I know that scent anywhere. She began walking in the direction it was coming from. But how can it be? I...I watched him die... She moved slowly into the shadowy forest, her paws making no sound as she searched for the owner of the scent. She stopped upon a log over a little creek and sniffed the ground, inhaling the scent she had almost forgotten. A pain in her chest signalled that her heart was squeezing as she mentally rolled in the familiar feeling it gave her. Alexander...? She continued walking as she remembered the nights that they would cuddle close to each other when to far away from town, their moments of hunting together, and most of all how they would always team up for practice fights. She stopped and looked to see the massive pawprints he always left behind and lowered her nose to sniff at them. Alex.... She whimpered low as she continued searching until finally she came to a small clearing where she walked out and heard someone rushing her. Her hackles stood on end but as she looked to the massive wolf that now pinned her down, both had tails wagging as he whimpered upon recognizing her. Hey! Let me up goofball!

Talarine! Oh you don't know how glad I am to see you! Alexander's voice sounded in her head as she finally stood. They greeted each other by rubbing muzzles, cheeks, and tails against one another. As they headed back to the town, Tal informed him of everything that had happened and he had mixed emotions but when she told him about her son that she and Xypherius had, he was purely amazed. I hope I meet him one day.

Which one Xypherius or Deckard?

Both if possible. Though the news of what happened to my father is upsetting, I figured it would happen one day but an Angel for a mate! I can hardly fathom all that!

All in the pack are mated to angels, we are called the Sacred Pack for a reason.

True...but this Anarius... Where have I heard of him before?

Tal felt a curious Xypherius poke at her and smiled as she invited him to come down to meet her longtime friend along with the angel who felt called to Alexander. Anarius is Anu reborn in angel form. I've meet him and he really is Anu.

Ah...One thing I don't understand though.

What would that be? Tal looked to Alexander who shook his fur.

"How is it possible to imprint on angels?"

"Very easily." Xypherius spoke up as he stood near Talarine now. Both Tal and Alexander had shifted back to human forms and now Alexander stood in pure shock at the powerful angel before him who held Talarine close. "Talarine and I were only the first. But many come after, and you are no exception from this."

"What?" Alexander was still shocked but found himself turning his head slightly to be met with a female warrior angel from the Halls of Valor. "Who...?"

"I am Lumael," she spoke calmly as their eyes met and the imprint took effect. "I hail from the Halls of Valor and you have called out to me, Alexander." She smiled calmly as he reached out to her. She went over to him then both looked to Talarine.

"Later on Xypherius can explain to Lumael about everything and I will speak with you, Alexander. For now go enjoy each others company, I need to speak with Xypherius." Alexander nodded and vanished with Lumael. "Before you ask, Alexander was sleeping and allowing himself to heal from his injuries."

"I thought he was dead?"

"So did I, but something must have kept him alive." Tal thought as she rubbed the back of her neck. As the day passed on Xypherius remained at Tal's side, well until Shade came walking up to hear the news.

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