Chapter 8

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Tal stood staring at nothing or so it seemed to the others; what she was actually doing was shifting through her memories and came across the one that she thought had been lost. She let it overcome her mind and she watched it with curiosity.


Talarine raced with another person alongside her. As they ran they could hear the roaring of the enraged demon and both looked to each other with worry. "It's a Siegebreaker! Retreat!" A voice called out as Talarine and her friend leapt out of the shadows to see that the voice was right.

"Why in the Burning Hells is a Siegebreaker demon here?!" Tala's accompaning friend asked.

"I dont know, but we need to stop it Wildarmu." Talarine spoke looking to the young woman with a wickedly curved scythe upon her back. "Let's discover its weakness and go from there."

"Agreed!" The woman nodded pulling the scythe from her back as Talarine drew her twin swords. They rushed the beast and it roared as they charged. It tried to grab Wildarmu but a slash of the scythe had it pulling back with an irritated growl. Talarine noted that its right eye was closed and she noted that anyone on that side was being crushed underfoot as it slammed down a back 'foot'. She raced forward and slashed at the demon leaving an x-shaped wound and it managed to claw at her, leaving a small scar on her side, but for the most part it missed as it caught Wildarmu with its left hand, it held her up to its face, roared and threw her towards a neaby tree. The tree smashed to splinters at the force of impact and Wildarmu ended up having to clear her head.

"Damn." Talarine watched as Wildarmu was about to be crushed. "Oh HELLS NO!" Talarine lunged and found herself leaping up to its left eye and stabbed her blades into the squishy eye. It attempted to close the lid of the eye and it roared in pain as the blades cut through the upper and lower lids.

"TALARINE DON'T!" Wildarmu called out as the Siegebreaker demon went ballistic. It roared again as it reached for Talarine but Wildarmu's scythe slashed the hand as Talarine yanked out a blade and stabbed it into the eye over and over; both slashed, cut and jabbed their weapons into the demon opening fresh wounds that began to bleed like crazy. Talarine yanked both blades out of the demon's eye and bounced from it onto a stone and lunged back at it. Wildarmu put her scythe away, grabbed a hold onto Talarine's arm as they met in the air, grabbed the blade Tala handed her and both went into a wild spin as they approched the demon's face. the speed picked up and they spun faster then a spinning wheel and as the demon lunged for them the blades cut through the flesh and both came out the other side. Wildarmu handed the blade back and grabbed her scythe as both women pushed off the feet of the other. The demon looked to the but that was the last thing it heard as Wildarmu's scythe cut through the impossibly large, fatty neck and she landed just as Talarine hit the ground. Talarine leapt over to Wildarmu but the demon's head fell and its body collapsed, both turning to ash before hitting the ground. "Damn."

"That was Interesting." Talarine noted as she questioned herself about the demon's ashes.

"I don't think we could do that again to save our lives." Wildarmu looked to Talarine who walked over to the demonic symbol on the ground. She kicked a small area of the circle away and sighed as the symbol vanished. "Which area of the Hells pulled that out of their ass?"

"If I am right it came from the realm of Destuction. That place is the only place I know of that can create as well as destroy." Talarine sneezed as the dust was kicked up by the breeze. "Let's just hope that no more of those Siegebreakers show up. One is bad enough."

"Anymore and we are in trouble. My energy is spent." Wildarmu crossed her arms, her hair was in her face as per usual. "We need to get back. Deckard Cain will question where we went to if he discovers us gone."

"Bah! Pops doesn't mind. He told me that as long as I returned he wouldn't care where I was, especially if I brought back information relevent to his book." Talarine sighed as they both began walking back to the town where they were staying with Deckard for the time being.

They walked in silence, even as they entered the town and headed to the inn. Upon entering the Innkeep frowned but took their orders as they headed to their rooms to bathe. Talarine welcomed the heat, but after she was out she dried off and was drying her hair when Deckard Cain knocked and entered. She watched as he flinched back and explained what had happened as she looked to her bloodied clothing. "What did you discover about the Siegebreaker, Tala?" Deckard asked as Tal looked to him. She told him everything and he nodded, filing it away for later. "Tala?" He questioned as she finished brushing out her hair.

"Yes?" She asked looking to him. He used a staff nowadays because of his age, but he smiled.

"How are you doing?" He asked gently as she looked to him confused. "Being away from your parents must be hard."

"It is and there are times I miss them, but I wanted to come with you." Tal frowned as she sat down. "I chose to come with you and I will stick with it." She explained as she threw the towel on a chair. "Besides I want to learn more about the Heavens, The archangels, and as much as I can from you Pops. You won't always be here and I want you to teach me as much as you can."

"Alright." He nodded as she smiled, "Which Archangel do you want to know more about now?"

Talarine thought for a moment, "Archangel Itherael." She sat down again as He went to a chair. He sat down and began speaking to her about Itherael.


Talarine felt a hand on her shoulder and looked to see that the hand belonged to Xypherius. "Talarine are you okay?" He asked as she nodded.

"Just remembering something is all." She told him with a reassuring smile. She did not think to tell him about what but the question was brought up, seeing as how her memories had normally only brought her pain. She frowned as the question was asked and sighed. "It was nothing bad. Just remembering the fight I had against a Siegebreaker demon." Silence filled the air after she spoke that and she looked to them all. Even little Deckard had wide eyes as he looked to her. "What?" She asked as they all watched her. "Why are you all staring me like I am batshit crazy?" She noted that Imperius was watching her carefully but Anaurael had shock written all over her face as the others stared at her with disbelief. She felt the throb of slight pain as her hidden scar from that fight acted up, "I was with my former friend Wildarmu and we, for the most part, won against it. But we didn't come away completely unscathed," she flinched at the memory as another throb seared her side.

"What happened?" Xypherius asked worridly as she sighed. "Wildarmu was thrown, back first, into a tree which splintered into pieces and I was clawed at. It left a minor scar, nothing serious." She tried to reassure her beloved angel but he didn't seem to believe her. Talarine sighed as Anaurael asked the question that had Talarine looking to her.

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