Chapter 7

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-- Bailey's POV--

I looked up at Scotty and got lost in his beautiful blue eyes. He unlocked his eyes from mine and looked at my lips. Oh, how I would do anything to kiss him right now. He leaned closer and I cleared my throat. "I think I-I should head out to the field. The girls need the nets to warm up." I said balancing myself on my feet. Scotty kept one hand on my back until I was okay, and then picked up the net. He smiled at me and grabbed a few more items to carry.

"Have dinner with me tonight." Scotty said as we were walking out of the closet. "What?" I asked wondering if I heard him right. "Have dinner with me." He replied grinning as we made our way into the locker room. "Okay... What did you have in mind?" I asked him as we walked past Easton and Jess who were still eyeballing each other.

"I was figuring you could choose since you know the town." He answered as we made out way up the stairs and out to the dugout. "Okay. But It's not going to be too fancy.. Especially since it will be after our game." I replied handing the nets to coach Phillips and turning back to Scotty.

"That's fine. I'm not too big on those kinds of places anyways." He answered watching the other girls on the field who were throwing and stretching. "You sure you are going to make it through this game?" I asked him. "What do you mean?" He shot back with confusion. "I mean.. You were the one who said you don't see how softball was a sport.. And I think you may get bored if you look at it in a negative way." I replied as he put his head down and ran his hand through his hair on the back of his head.

"Look Bailey, I didn't mean that. I'm sorry." He said looking down at me. "Apology accepted." I replied as he smiled. I looked out on the field and noticed the the other team was coming out to warmup on the other side of the field. "Alrighty. Looks like it is time for me to head out there. Hope you and Easton enjoy the game." I said as Scotty gave me another hug. "Alright. Good luck. And remember, we have plans after." He replied leaning down and giving me a kiss on the cheek. As his lips brushed against my cheek, I had chills running through my body. I would do anything to have his lips against mine.

He pulled away and I locked my eyes with his as he walked up the stairs onto the field facing me and smiling. He was about to reach the last step when he tripped over it and fell on his bottom. I held back my laugh as his face turned red, and he turned and walked away. This boy is too adorable.

-- Scotty's POV--

The game began about an hour later, and I have to say, I enjoyed watching Bailey play. "Hey Scotty, I'm going to catch a ride with Jess after the game if that's alright." Easton said tapping on my shoulder and taking a sip of his coke. "Alright man, that's cool." I replied keeping my eyes on Bailey at first base. "I'm in love with her already." I whispered to Easton and he smiled. "I feel ya man. I'm in love with Jess." He replied placing his hand on my shoulder.

I looked around at the crowd, and was overwhelmed by the size of it. Also, there seemed to be one trend going on here. Everyone here had on Bailey's Jersey, or had signs for her. What really touched me were the younger girls that seemed to be mesmerized by the way she played. I smiled, that girl is amazing. I was interrupted by a ball hit hard at Bailey, and it didn't phase her. The ball went straight into her glove and the inning was over. The crowd was cheering. That's my girl.

This is the Akron Racers last at bat and they are down by a run in the bottom of the 7th with Jess, and Bailey coming up next. I can only imagine what is going through their heads. "I call the win here." Easton said smiling and leaning back in his seat. "You think they can do it?" I asked as he crossed his arms and laughed. "If they can't no one can." I watched as Jess and Bailey stood next to each other holding their bats, and talking to each other.

The umpire called Jess up, and they played her walk up song which was actually one of my songs 'Out Of Summertime'. She stepped in and I looked at Bailey who was over cheering her on. She caught me eye and smiled up at me. I gave her a wink and she motioned for me to come down for a second. "Your lady's calling." Easton said grinning as I took off down the steps to the side of the dugout.

"Hey." She said glancing over at me and back at Jess. "Hey. You nervous?" I asked focusing on her and she looked me in the eye. "A little bit. But hey, who wouldn't be in this situation?!" She asked sarcastically and I laughed. "That's true. You got this though." I said and she smiled. "Thanks." I watched as Jess got a hit and safely reached first. "Hey Bailey." I said as Bailey took a step towards home plate, and stopped and turned towards me. "Yeah Scotty?" She asked. "Go and win this thing."

-- Bailey's POV--

Every athlete dreams for a moment like this. A moment where the game is put into the palm of your hand to win it. I slowly walked to the plate, as my walk-up song blared through the speakers. The song I picked and have stuck with, is a song that I dedicate my life to. It's called "Live Like That" by Sidewalk Prophets. As I stepped into the box and got in my stance, I heard people scream around me, and cheer me on.

Whenever I step into this box, it's like I'm 10 years old again and praying for my dear life I would hit this ball. Only now, I have no fear. The pitcher went into motion, and now is when I block everyone out and play my game. As the ball came out of her fingers, I picked up on the spin as it curved outside. I watched it hit the catchers mitt, and the Ump called, "BALL ONE."

I kept one foot in the box and took a step out looking down the third base line to get the sign from my coach. Phillips gave me a take sign, and a steal sign for Jess. I tapped my helmet twice to let him know I got the message and stepped into the box again. The pitcher began her motion again and I loaded up and watched the ball release from her hand and almost in sync, Jess take off from first towards second. The ball spun up and into the catchers mitt for another ball, and the catcher gunned it down to second. But it was not in time, Jess was safe. I smiled as she gave me two thumbs up, and looked back down to Phillips.

This time he gave me the 'do whatever you want sign' and I stepped back in and smiled. This next one was my pitch. I could sense it coming. The pitcher began her motion for a third time, and I focused on nothing but the ball. As it slowly came spinning in the zone, I loaded up and made perfect contact with it. As it went off my bat, I turned my head towards first and started sprinting. I was rounding first when I heard the crowd cheering loud and saw that the ball went over the fence.

When I rounded second, I looked up at Scotty who was smiling at me. I couldn't wait to cross home plate and have dinner with him tonight. I rounded third and headed for home, where my teammates were all gathered around the plate, waiting to congratulate me. I was a few steps away, and knew what was coming next. I would step on home plate, and they would all bombard me. Slapping my helmet, jumping on my back, hugging me, etc. None of that mattered to me though, all that did was I have this wonderful game that I play in order to showcase my abilities that God has blessed me with. And as I touched home plate, I realized, this is what I live for.

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