Chapter 51

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Steven and Max had been dating for who knows how long. They had also recently moved into a two story house.

The house wasn't all that big really. Downstairs was an average sized kitchen, living room, and a half bath. There was also a small foyer where the front door was, this is where they kept most of their shoes and jackets. 

Upstairs was simple. There was a large bedroom where they shared a bed, closet, dresser, desk, and a bookshelf. There was also a large bathroom with a shower and everything that was needed in a bathroom.

Max had been upstairs sitting at the desk on his laptop and of course his phone.

Steven was downstairs multitasking with the groupchat and TV.

Then Max yelled something from upstairs, obviously confused with what Steven had said in the chat.

"Bitch what the fuck! What the fuck did you mean 'not yet'!" Max yelled as he stomped down the steps.

Steven scurried off into the foyer, slipping on his shoes. "Gotta catch me first and you'll find out!"

Max groaned when the front door opened and shut. Then Steven was gone and as soon as he was, Max's phone buzzed.


hoodie allen: come to the park you bitches


hoodie allen: (:

bren ☀️: ryan and i and like alex, jack, dallo, breeze, tyjo, jish, and some some guys you dont know have been here for like everrrr

pattycakes <3: PETE AND I ARE COMING

petey <3: yeye walking with ice cream

maxxy babe: I WANT ICE CREAM TF

hoodie allen: i'll get you some later baby. just come to the parkkk

maxxy babe: u g h fine :v


Max huffed a little and got up from his seat on the couch and he shuffled into the foyer, slipping on some random shoes of his.

He normally grabbed one of Steven's hoodies but it was summer and it was too hot for that shit.

Soon the boy opened up the front door and exited the home, shutting the door behind him.

Then he made his way down the sidewalk to the park that was maybe a block and a half or two away.

Once Max arrived he was greeted by a slightly taller boy with somewhat floppy black hair.

"Hiya Max! I don't think we've ever really met in person but I'm Brendon!"

Max flashed a small smile. "Nice to meet you.  Where's Steven and everyone else?"

"Oh! They're this way!" Brendon chirped as he turned on his heel and head towards the far back end of the park.

Max followed Brendon to the large group of people sitting on the group, benches, rocks, and some people sitting in laps.

Max instantly recognized Pete and Patrick. They were both on the ground, Patrick happily placed in Pete's lap. He didn't know anyone else there. He couldn't even find Steven.

"Who are you gays?" Max spoke, looking at everyone.

Brendon perked up and pointed to a boy with a head full of brown curls.
"That's Ryan."

Ryan smiled and waved before reaching his arms out to Brendon who curled up in his lap.

A rather tall boy spoke up who had a very pretty girl attached to his side. "I'm Dallon and this is Breezy. "

A boy with dark hair and a blonde streak spoke next. "I'm Jack an-"

"And i'm Alex!" A kid with long brown hair spoke, suddenly popping out of nowhere.

Josh and Tyler were the last to introduce themselves.

Max smiled and started up some small talk with everyone. He kind of caught in a conversation with Patrick when arms wrapped around his waist and he was pulled back against someone's chest. "What the f-"

"Hush you shorty, don't curse. That's bad. "

"Fuck you Markowitz. Why the fuck you bein' shady?" Max spoke, tilting his head back to look at his boyfriend.

"Well if you would shush for one second you'd find out. " Steven said, pressing a light kiss to Max's forehead. He then let go of him and grabbed Max's hand, pulling him in front of the group.

"Steven, what the fuck are you doing?" Max whined.

"Max, baby. Hush and just listen to me, goodness. "

Steven grabbed Max's free hand with his other hand and smiled lightly. He bit the inside of his cheek and shifted on his feet awkwardly.

"Okay so Max, we've known each other for the longest time. I mean like even when you were female. I've been trough hell and back with you, I've been there when you said you were a boy, I've been there for all of your surgeries, and I plan on to keep being there for you. I fell in love with you when you were May and I fell in love with you when you were Max. We've had our ups and downs but I grow more and more attached to you. I wanna spend my entire life with you, Max. " Steven spoke, letting go of the boy's hand and getting down on one knee, pulling a small box from his back pocket. "Max, will you do the honor and marry me?"

Max stared at Steven blinking a bit, shocked. "Holy shit. Holy fucking shit. Is this a joke because i'm about to start crying?"

Steven laughed a bit and shook his head, looking up at the boy with tears already streaming down his cheeks. "No baby boy. This isn't a joke. I'm serious. "

Max wiped away at his eyes and sniffled a little. "Fucking hell yes, Steven. Yes I will, okay?"

Steven stood up and pulled Max into a tight hug while slipping a ring on his left ring finger. "I love you, Max. "

"Fuck you two got me so gay right now!" Brendon whined, staying curled up to Ryan.

"Fuck you Breadbin Urine." Max muttered earning a gasp from the dark haired boy.

"Markowitz, keep your boyfriend under control, he hurt my Brenny's feelings!" Ryan called from his spot, holding onto Brendon's body tightly.

"Fuck you, Ross!" Steven replied looking down at Max's pouty face.

"Steven babe, can we get ice cream now, please?" Max asked, giving puppy dog eyes.

Steven grinned and pressed a tender kiss to Max's lips. "Of course baby."

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