Chapter 54

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((a/n: theres a trigger warning in this so I'll * where it starts and ends.))

Ryan, Brendon, Dallon, Breezy, and Sarah had all soon arrived at Jon's apartment in a matter of minutes.

Brendon was the first to be up at Jon's door, Ryan and the other's close behind.

Brendon knocked frantically, obviously starting to get panicky.

"Brendon, baby. Calm down. Spencer is gonna be okay. " Ryan spoke from behind the boy at the door. He wrapped his arms around the shorter boy, pulling him into a hug as Jon emerged from the apartment.

"Follow me. "

Everyone turned and hurried off after Jon down the hall and out of the building.

"So, where is he?" Brendon asked quietly.

"The woods. " Jon mumbled, hurrying down the side walk and entering the park, scrambling towards the back of the park.

"Why would he be there?" Dallon spoke up.

"To get away from his dad or do something, this time I thinks it's both. " Jon responded, stumbling into the woods.

"Breezy and I are gonna stay back, just incase you guys miss him and he's heading back this way. " Sarah chirped.

Jon nodded and began heading off deeper into the woods.

Now only Dallon, Brendon, and Ryan were following, all four calling out for Spencer.

Brendon strayed from the group, stumbling around on the leaf covered ground.

Brendon stumbled to a stop and when he looked up, he was absolutely mortified.

There Spencer was, hanging from a tree. His head lolled to the side and his eyes shut loosely.


No answer.

Just silence from the once alive body of his best friend.

"Brendon?" A voice called snapping the boy out of his daze.

"R-Ryan, he's...he's gone."

Ryan lifted his gaze and froze for a moment before rushing over to his boyfriend's side and pulling him away from the scene.

"Jon! Dallon! W-We found him! Call 9-1-1!"

Brendon had zoned out by now. He had lost his best friend, someone he grew up with.

Sure Jon was upset and so were the other's of the search party but Brendon was one who found him.

That sucked.

Dear friends or whoever ends up finding me,

I've lived my life. It's had some pretty great ups in it and i've had some shitty downs. My dad was the main cause of this though...

He told me to kill myself, so...I did.

I'm sorry Jon. I love you a lot ya know.

I'm sorry Dallon. I fucked up. I love you.

Most of all, I'm sorry Brendon. You were like a brother to me. I love you too. I know you said you'd be there for me at all times but I think it was my time to go.

I'm sorry to all i've hurt due to this.

I'm sorry mom. I'm a failure of a son.

And dad? Fuck you.

Spencer Smith

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