The Mission

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*Mount Justice*
*5 hours earlier*

"Wally will you quite eating the damn burnt cookies!" Artemis shouted, slapping him upside the head while trying to take the cookies into her hands.

"Hey!! Give 'em back!" Wally launched himself forward, but was cut off by a very familiar and spine tingling cackle that echoed through the kitchen. M'gaan looked around, her eyes landing on the Bird in the doorway who appeared without even a trace, making her jump.

"Jesus!" Wally gasped.

"No, Robin." Dick smirks sarcastically, shuffling into the kitchen and looking between Wally, the burnt cookies and the pissed off Artemis who was trying to take them away. "Let me guess, girl troubles?" Robin chuckled.

"Oh shut up! Tell him to stop ea-"

"I will eat what I want!" Wally argued back.

They continued to bicker, that is until Batman appeared in the kitchen. Both of them stopped and glanced at the Dark Knight as if being caught trying to lie.

"Team. Debriefing room, right away." Batman announces before turning to leave the startled teens.

Robin smiled and rushed out of the kitchen, finally excited about going on a mission. He was starting to get bored and really needed to stretch his legs. Who knows, maybe it was about the Joker this time. Wouldn't that be something?

Robin walked into the room, Kauldur and Connor have already been placed at the table, looking at him as he entered. Wally and Artemis with M'gaan hovering behind, all entered behind Robin. The door closed and Batman turned around to finally face them, his glare more punctual than normal.

"Team, I have called you here because I have a dangerous mission for you." Batman says sternly, his face never breaking character as he stepped back to show the screen. Robin knew that mask anywhere and his glare matched Batman's in a matter of seconds.

"Who's he?" Wally asks.

Artemis slaps him upside the head with a glare. "Dude! It's Deathstroke you dumb speed brain!"

"Correct." Batman continued before the two could continue their bickering. "He has been kicking up trouble with The Brain and Sportsmaster. I need you guys to check what's going on and then take 'em down. I must warn you, though, Deathstroke is highly skilled. I'd focus on the other two first before teaming up to fight him, understood?" Batman asked.

The team nodded and Batman ordered the mission a go. The whole team was ready and on the Bio-ship with no time wasted.


They split up in groups and snuck around the building, looking for answers. When they couldn't find any, they decided to regroup in the front and talk to each other.

"Anything?" Wally asks.

"Nothing. Did they abandon this place?" Connor asks, looking at them with confusion clear on his face.

"Leaving would be too easy, we simply hid." A sinister voice says, making all of them shoot their heads towards the source. What they saw made them jump into action.

Deathstroke stood on the roof while Sportsmaster and Cheshire were standing by the metal door. "I wouldn't call it hiding, merely shrunk away for a moment." Robin replies.

"Whatever you say, boy." He jumped off the roof and almost in a blur was right in front of the team, drawing both of his swords. "Shall we dance, Tweenies?" He asks, smirking at all of them with some amusement.

Wally acted first, rushing towards Sportsmaster and Cheshire. That threw all of them into action. Robin and Deathstroke started fighting while the rest of the team ignored the Bats words and rushed for the other two.

Deathstroke swiped and Robin jumped backwards, landing a perfect handspring. He threw a batarang that Deathstroke missed easily. He swiped forward, just barely scraping Dicks arm. He threw bombs which only fell to the floor and made him loose his balance when they went off.

Deathstroke swipes forward and this time he catches Robins leg, making his next handspring not so graceful. He grunted and looked at his team. "A little help! Remember why Ba-" he was cut off by Deathstroke uppercutting him and sending him back into the trees. Dick smashed into it and fell to the ground with a thud.
"Ow." Dick whispers before grabbing a batarang and tossed it at the man. This time though, it sliced his shoulder, causing the man to be taken a back. Dick used his surprise to his advantage and jumped up and ran. Once he was close he grabbed one of Batman's wires and jumped down, sliding on his side and hooking onto Deathstroke's ancle and tripped his as he came up. Deathstoke glared at the boy, cutting the line and growling as he stood up.

"What's the matter? Afraid of a little competition?" Robin criticizes.

"I wouldn't get too cocky, boy." Deathstroke says, stepping forward and gripping his knives in his hands.

"Cocky is what I do." He rushed forward, now getting a boost of confidence as he threw a batarang. What he didn't expect was that Deathstroke had moved to the side swiftly and thrusted his sword. He felt whitehot pain shoot up his side and center near his lower ribs. His breath caught in his throat.

"ROBIN!" He heard as the sword was removed. He gripped his side, the pain becoming a little to much to bare. He fell back, loosing his balance as a bow explosive went off, separating the both of us.

"Artemis! Keep him busy!" Wally ordered, rushing to his side.

"So not Asterous." He murmured, coughing up some blood. Wally had mouthed something, but his body felt cold and numb from the sudden shock of being hit.

"Let's go! Robin... Medical... Mount justice... Batman." Robin vaguely heard what was being said. He saw Deathstroke smirk behind his mask as he was being picked up, bridal style in someone's arms and carried. His eyes closed and his head fell limply in tiredness.

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