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"Why is Gotham creepier than I remembered?" Wally asked, looking at the city with a creeped out facial expression.

  "Because you are used to Happy Harbor where everything is above the clouds and Gotham is technically hell." Robin said, folding his arms while sending a smirk Wally's way.

  "Yeah, I can see how this is hell." Wally said, taking in the old and dirty looking Gotham.

  "I have never been in Gotham, but I agree with you, KF. It is quite eerie." Kauldur says.

  "Enough about Gotham, we need to focus on our mission. The whole reason why we are doing a SMALL covert mission is to learn to be a team. I will not go through almost dying again for "bad communication." Alright?" Dick said, folding his arms in front of the team.

  With that, everyone was silent. Instead they moved about the dark alleyway to find the next person to arrest. Right now, Batman has them rounding up some street thugs or murders, hoping that will strengthen their team bonding moments.

  "Who is the first person on this covert mission?" Connor asks.

  "That is where this comes in." Robin held up a circular device that had a projecting gps map on it with a few red, purple and green dots on it. "This is a police scanning gps that I whipped up. It tracks police codes and it determines if it is our thing. The red dots are murders that have been called in. The purple is store break-ins while the green is petty thefts that involve car or purses. We are mainly gonna focus on red and purple for now." Robin explained, looking and tracing out the first one they are gonna go to.

  "So whats are first target?" Artemis asked, finally deciding to speak up instead of staying back.

  "Well this purple one just popped up. We can start there." Robin said, showing them the map.

  Kauldur nodded. "Alright now for the plannIng for all the store ones. Artemis, you shoot one of your smoke arrows into the shop, making it hard for the thief to see. M'gaan, you rush in there with your invisibility and call out how many there are. Wally runs in and shuts off all the lights while Conner, Robin and I take them down." Kauldur explained.

  "That works. Its no wonder you are the head of this team." Wally said, tapping Kauldur on the shoulder. "Though I am sad not being part of the action as much."

  "Don't worry KF, you and I can switch turns. Now shall we go before the store robber gets away?" Robin asked.

  They nodded and started heading towards the first break-in. Most of them didn't know where to go, so instead they followed behind Robin, making sure not to get lost as he rushed down the side of Gotham. Once they made it to the store that glowed bright purple, Robin paused and the plan proceeded.

  Artemis shot an arrow into the open doors, and M'gaan already started to float in there. Thats when Robin felt it, like something bad was gonna happen because he started feeling nausea the closer he got to the store.

  KF was next in line and he ran in there with max speed and the lights were out, although Robin didn't hear any panicked screams from the  supposed attackers.

  "M'gaan, how many robbers do you see?" Robin asked.

  There was a moment of radio silence before M'gaan's voice  answered in the comms.. "About three. Not many."

  "One for each of us." Connor said. Kauldur and Connor both rushed in there, and Robin, swallowing the bad feeling, followed after. It was hard to see anything without vision, but Dick learned to trust his instincts from the batcave and used his other senses. Hearing for some footsteps, he lunged forward, catching on of the guys.

  Robin took him down, but was surprised when the man didn't put up a fight.  Normally every caught criminal puts up a fight. This gave Robin som suspicion about this break in. As he was tying the man up, he stopped midway to think about the coincidences. The store pops up close and there're only three men doing this job that don't put up a fight? Its almost as if this were... Robin stopped thinking and immediately shot his head into the darkness.

  "A trap." He whispered, finishing off his thought out loud. "Kauldur?! We need to leave!" Robin said, shooting up off of the man who still lies unmoving beneath him.

  When he didn't hear anything back from kauldur, instantly his fighting instincts jumpstarted as he stood in a fight position. "Wally? Artemis? Can you guys hear me?" Robin asked.

  The smoke was starting to clear out into the public streets of Gotham. When it was clear enough to see, he spotted his team, out cold on the floor. Rushing forward to Wally, he shook his shoulders.

  "Wally? Hey, wake up!" Robin shouted, but he didn't budge.

  He moved over to Kauldur and repeated the same thing only to get the same outcome. Thats when footsteps were heard being him, causing him to freeze slightly, but then slowly stood up from his spot.

  "Do you like the legnth of what I went to? Using dead bodies as thiefs to get you here?" A deep voice says, and Dick knew exactly who that was.

  "Dead bodies is a new low, Deathy." Dick joked, standing up to face Deathstroke.

  He chuckled. "Its what I need to do in order to get you here. Thats the only reason why I kept the big guns quiet. It took some persuasion, but if it was to meet the boy who survived an encounter, than so be it." He explained, stepping forward.

  "So you went through all this touble, just to find me?" Robin asked, his body felt slightly fearful after what he knows could happen if he faced a fight with him, but his personality decided to come out and taunt. "Why, I am honored. I'm worth a villains time out of their day, so sweet."

  Deathstroke smirked. "The only reason why, is because I feel like you have been with the wrong side this whole time." Deathstroke said, taking a few more steps towards Robin.

  Robin, in return, took a few steps back, only to bump into the glass jewelry cases. "The wrong side? What do you mean?" He asked.

  "Oh Robin, I thought being the protégé and son of the famous Batman, would help the fact that you can figure out that statement." Deathstroke strode closer until only a foot remained between them.

  "You want me on your side." Robin stated. "Too bad I don't work that way." Robin shot forward to try and fight, but Deathstroke snaked his hand behind Robin and grasped the back of his neck, before slamming his head done on the glass jewelry case. Robin fell limp to the floor, a small cut on his forehead as he lied on the floor.

  Kauldur slowly started gaining control of his body parts, and tried sitting up. When he looked over, he saw Robin on the floor with blood oozing from a cut on his forehead. He glanced up to see none other than Deathstroke, who bent down and threw Robin over his shoulder.

  Deathstroke sent his his gaze over to meet Kauldur's and smirked. "Send my regards to Batman. The Wonder Boy is now under my care." Deathstroke said, before walking out of the store and disappeared into the street.

  Kauldur tried to go after, but whatever he was injected with, only caused him to fall flat on his face and punched the ground in defeat.

A/N: hey guys, I am back, as you can tell. My family issues are resolved and I will be updating a lot more frequently. I am sorry ;^; enjoy the chapter though! (This chapter is 1300 words)


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