Healing and Moving

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Dick was starting to heal fast, now that Jon wasn't busy. He was starting to heal him, since his team really cant do anything without him. He started to get his movement back within two weeks, though he couldn't go up and fight anyone until Jon finishes the last of his healing, but he felt better than he did a little over two months ago.

  He also, even though it was a little hard, forgave his team as well, just so that they weren't tense on the battle field.

  Right now, Robin was walking around the mountain, his side would hurt, but only on occasions. He walked into the lounge area where everyone was hanging out. Wally, put a hand down on the table, as if signalling his point to be stronger. Robin couldn't hear what he was saying, but he knew when it came to Wally, nothing intelligent comes following when his mouth opens.

  "I don't want to know why the argument, all i know is that its going to be the stupidest thing i hear." Robin announced, walking over to plop down on the couch next to Artemis and M'gaan.

  "Hey! My arguments aren't stupid!" He shouted defensively.

  Robin chuckled.

  "Your arguments, not to mention your ideas, are always stupid, speed brain." Artemis shot back, folding her arms and crossing one leg over the other.

  Wally was about to say something when Jon walks into the room, along with Batman. "Robin, come  with us to the med bay." Batman says, as calmly as he does. Robin nodded, getting up with a small flinch before following after them.

  They walked in silence, until they reached the Med bay, and the door closed. Robin sat on the bed, and laid down. Thats when Batman started talking.

  "The reason we have been healing you isnt because your team is incompetent of handling themselves. It is because of Gotham. Its been unusually quiet and i can only assume why."

  Robin, even though he was in the middle of a healing session, shot up in the bed, only to be lowered back down. "You arent going to suggest hes the one behind it?!" Robin shouted.

  Batman nodded. "I believe Deathstroke is trying to keep it quiet with the big ones. There are still murders and theives, but none of the major enemies are making a move. I just want to know why."

  Dick about scoffed in disbelief. "So thats why you are healing me. You want us to go on a covert mission in Gotham." Dick qhispered. "You do realize the last time you did that i nearly died!" Robin shouted.

  Batman nodded. "No, im not suggesting that you guys do a covert mission. Thats what the JLA is going to be doing. You guys are going to be the substitute for when im gone in Gotham. Im not putting you guys on that big of a mission until i know you guys can be a team and work together. For now, you guys are stuck on small duty until i give further notice, got it?" Bruce says, not realizing he stepped forward, almost protectively.

  Robin nodded. "Okay." Robin could respect that. He didnt want to have another confrontation with Deathstroke.

  "The healing process is complete. He is good to go now. Its merely just a scar of the past now." Jon explained. Dick sat up and felt only small ebbs of pain because of his ribs, but other than that, he was as good as new. Dick smiled happily.

  "Woooohoooo!" Robin yelled, jumping up off the bed, letting everything they just talked about fly through his head. He punched the air, pretending to be in combat as he kicked, punched and handsprings backwards, but it was a sloppy landing since he was slightly out of practice. "Oh yeah! Im back... well, sort of."

  "Dick, calm your tits!" Wally shouted from the door.

  "You calm your speedy tits! I finally get to move around! You aren't destroying my happiness!" Robin shouted, then will all his pent up energy from being bed ridden for nearly 2 months, came crashing into him like a rocket. He cackled and disappeared from the sight of everyone in the room. He used the vents and appeared in the training bay.

  Batman, already figuring he went there, appeared a few moments after Dick got there. "Make sure to take it a little easy. Your ribs still haven't healed yet."

  "Don't worry, Bruce, I am only gonna get my spirit back!" Dick shouted, and rushed over to the trapeze. Bruce just let a small smile appear on his face, seeing Dick so happy.  He watched as Dick swung from the circus machine, doing elegant flips in the air. This was the Dick everyone knew, not the one who was un-trusting of his colleagues. This Dick Grayson was one that everyone adored, and Bruce walked away, glad to have seen the thirteen year old so happy.

  Dick swung onto the platform and glanced back at the door, seeing the last of Batmans cape leave the doorway. Dick's smile started to fall as he grabbed his side. He knew the scar lied there, almost as if taunting him that he almost died. He gulped and slowly sat down, one knee up to his chest while the other dangled off the ledge. He was happy to finally be able to move around, but the news that Deathstroke was planning something, didn't sit well with him and the energy he had just a few moments ago, depleted, leaving him exhausted.

  He groaned and threw himself back, his eyes staring straight at the ceiling as both legs dangled from the platform. He could feel his eyes start to close, and before he knew it, he fell asleep on the platform, taken over by sudden exhaustion.

  A/N: Sorry for the verrrrry late update!!! >-< ive been dealing with stuff and what not, but AN UPDATE HAS ARRIVED!!! HOPE YOU ENJOY!!!!


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