Robin's Nightmare

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That night, everyone took turns keeping an eye on Robin just in case he had a seizure. The substance of Deathstroke's blade had side affects that no one knows about that made him have 3 seizures in less than 5 hours.

Right now, it was Wally's turn and to put it shortly, he was cursing in vulgar words everytime Robin would struggle there for a second for some breath. He hated seeing his best friend like this. He hated seeing it and no matter how many times he was put on watch, seeing Robin this still was foreign to him.

"Come on Rob. Fight this. You aren't gonna die." He repeats,out loud.

Robin's eye brows furrowed, causing Wally to as well. He sat forward and watched Robin as his face contorted in fear.

*Robins Head*

Robin was running, throwing Batarangs back at the unknown assailant. He was to frightened to look behind him and instead, pushed forward as he did. His breath caught in his throat as he pushed through trees, only to find his worst nightmares standing right in front of him.

"If it isn't the little Boy Blunder!" Joker smirks as he throws a knife that burried itself into his stomach. Dick yelps but can't seem to pull it out as it melts down his suit.

"Seems I've missed a Flying Grayson." A sinister voice says, causing Dick to turn around and suddenly, finding himself on circus grounds. His parents standing on the podium, ready to jump.

No! Dicks voice couldn't be heard at all, but he tried to run when ropes snaked around his legs and arms, slowly pushing him back from his parents. He looked around terrified until he saw the man there. Tony Zucco.

"I won't make the same mistake twice." The parents fell and Robin screamed, closing his eyes so he didn't witness the death twice. He felt his throat close, causing him to open his eyes and saw that he was being lifted off the ground by a familiar black and orange mask.

"The mistake is taken care of." Deathstroke spoke.

He saw the wound that Joker made and Deathstroke's sword was placed there. He sputtered out blood. "The last of the flying Grayson, is dead." Suddenly, Robin and Deathstroke were on the very same podium that his parents died. Robin was hanging on the side with Deathstroke holding him firmly with his hand. Robin, still injured, tried to fight him off but Deathstroke smirked. "Join them." And he lets go, but he never made impact. Instead, he fell into someone's arms. Someone familiar.


Wally was slowly falling asleep when Robin's body started jolting. Not the seizure way, but the way he felt was abnormal. The young bird was hyperventilating and starting to thrash. Wally shot up and grabbed the birds arms but was scratched in the process. He screamed, "no!" Which made wally scream for help.

The first one up was Connor who was followed by M'gaan, Kauldur and Artemis. They all rushed in with a state of panic on their faces. "What is happening?!" Kauldur asks.

"I don't know! I can't wake him up! What do we do?" Wally asks, grabbing his bleeding arm. Despite the little birds charm, his scratches hurt and bled.

"Maybe I can help! I can get into his mind! See what's going on!" M'gaan shouted.

"Do it!" He shouted again.

M'gaan nodded and her eyes turned green.

The others seemed to hold their breaths as they watched Robins body slowly stop thrashing and Kauldur sighed. "I'm calling Batman. He needs to be here. And I'm pretty sure all that thrashing took a toll on him. Call the doctor." Wally nods and looks down at his bleeding arm. He sighed.

"Wally, are you okay?" Artemis asks, coming over to his side and grabbing wally's arm. She saw the three deep scratches and gasped.

Before more could be said, Dick and M'gaan both gasped and Robin seemed to be looking around wildly. M'gaan rushed to his side and hugged him, trying to keep him calm. Robin, hated crying, but his emotionally unstable mind broke the dam and let his tears spill into M'gaans shoulder. She started crying as well when Batman entered and saw the both of them.

The doctor came in and looked at the two embracing and then looked at Wally and Artemis. She gasped and saw Wally's arm.

"Oh Dear." She said and rushed forward. This broke Dick out of his state and he sniffled as he looked at Wally. Sudden regret filling his eyes. He hissed when he tried to move to comfort his friend. His side screamed in pain and he looked down, all of the memories flooding into his mind.

"The last flying Grayson is dead..." Robin whispered slightly, not really reaching anyone's ears but Connor and M'gaan's who were confused to all hell. Then Dick's eyes rolled back and he fell limb in M'gaans arms.

"What? You look like you've seen a ghost." Wally said as the doctor tended to his wound.

"He... He said something I don't quite understand when he looked at the wound from Deathstroke." M'gaan said, looking down at him.

"What did he say?" Artemis asks.

"The last of the flying Grayson is dead." Connor said before everyone's eyes traveled to Dick who looked paler than when they brought him in.

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