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I'm a 16 year old girl, who has never been asked out and have never been told that I am beautiful or loved. My dad tells me that no one will ever love me because I am fat,  ugly and stupid. Every day its the same. I go to school, then come home with out talking to anyone unless its a teacher and that is only when no one is around to hear. When I get home I make dinner for my dad so that he can eat when he gets home then I do my homework. I don't have to work hard in school because I work on getting ahead in the summer because there is nothing else for me to do.

By the time nine come around my dad has had lots of beer and is drunk. He comes up to my room and beats me and does other stuff that I really don't want to say and then leaves to go pass out on the couch in the living room. After he leaves and I know that he is passed out I take a shower and scrub my skin where he touched me so much that it bleeds then I go to bed.

When he beats me I don't yell or cry out I keep it inside because I have learned that when I do he likes it. Yes I do get beaten even more now than I do when I do cry out but I just want it to be over as soon as it can.

I bet you are wondering why my mom is letting him do that. Well she died in a car accident when I was five and that is when all this started. The police said that there was an animal in the road and she swerved because she didn't want to hit it but I know the truth. Everyone thinks that when you are five that you don't know what is happening and that you don't understand but they are wrong. The reason that she went off the road is because that was her way of suicide, her way of getting out of this life that I have had to live in since I was five because of her. Since she was like my dads punching bag and she wasn't there I had to take the place of her so now I am the one who is beat every night.

Where are my manners, my name is Elizabella Verena.

UNEXPECTED LOVE AND SECRETS (OLD VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now