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I should be happy right? I mean my birthday is tomorrow and I will be 17 so I will only have to deal with my father for another year. But I am not happy, honestly I'm scared really scared, the beatings have been getting worse especially the closer my birthday gets the harder and longer they are and the more weak I am getting. I am also scared that one of these days I am not going to cover all the bruises and cuts and someone, Jordan, is going to see them and ask me about them and I know that if anyone finds out that my father will kill me no joke. He would probable beat me to death because his reputation would be ruined, every one would know the he is an abusive father and it wouldn't get any worse. I just really want this week to be over because in the past this has happened, not to this extent but every year when my birthday gets close the beatings get worse. 

        Yesterday when I got home from school all I could think about was the time that I was in the closet with Jordan and how magical it was. I was so distracted that I didn't make dinner fast enough and by the time that my "dad" got home it was not done yet and he got really pissed and lets just say that I have to work very, very hard not to hiss in pain every time I go to move. I just hope that by the time that I get to school that I will be able to move more easily and that Jordan wont notice; if he did he would probable get all possessive and shit like they say in books that I have read about mates, but what if he is lying and there is no such thing as Werewolf's and he just wants to get it on with the loner girl who has no friends and a father who abuses her. I should ask him to show/tell me more about his wolf that way I can know whether or not he is telling the truth. He seems like a nice guy but I just don't know whether or not I can trust him because he is a guy who has the looks of a popular kid and its always the popular kids who hurt the shy nerds. Why would the a guy who has the looks of a bad boy fall in love with a shy girl who doesn't talk much and is always wearing over-sized clothing so that when she gets  beat by her father its not noticeable because all her skin is covered? That girl is me and the boy is, as you could have guested, Jordan. 

​        I keep thinking as I walk to school and by the time I get there I don't quite hurt as much as I did this morning befor I left but I do still hurt. I really don't want to go to PE either because I will have to see Jordan and I will have to move around and I just really don't want to. I just want to go home and climb into bed and sleep away the next couple of days.

Since I walked a little slower today I also arived later than I usally do. Walking through the school doors every eye in the hallway turns toward me and stare. On the inside I just feel like curlling into a ball and getting as small as possible but in reality I just walk as fast as I can so that this humilation will end quickly and so that I can get to my PE locker and get ready for 1st period. 

After changing I walk out into the gym and wait for the rest of the class, but when I get there I see that the whole intire class is already here and they are all looking at me with expressions that are questioning. I'm not sure why they are stareing at me until Jordan comes up to me and asks, "Why do you have a brused face?" 



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