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        This morning I hurt really bad. I usually don't hurt at all but I think that he went extra heard on me since I made him mad. Why was he being  so nice to me last night and then at my little comment he explodes, why? I ask myself. I put that aside and take another shower because I feel really dirty and grouse after what my "father" did to me last night.  After a long hot shower I dry myself and look at myself in the mirror to see all the damage, I really hope we don't have to wear anything that shows any skin on the arms, neck, stomach, or legs or else I will have to answer some questions and then I will get it worst when I get home, I put on some old jeans, a tank top and old sweatshirt and walked down stairs to make breakfast and a lunch for today. I make pancakes, bacon and eggs for Robert and then leave for my walk to school. 

        I walk out of the house down the driveway, while walking I put in my ear buds turn on my IPod the first song that came on was Eminem The Real Slim Shady, I really love Eminem he's really awesome. My music was so loud that I didn't even hear that motorcycle pull up next to me till it pulled ahead  and stopped in front of me. No one ever talks to me unless its to insult me or something so for someone to stop me on my walk to school that's really strange. This person looked a little taller than me and I'm 5' 10" so they must be like they were maybe 6' 2" or something, and the bike is black with aqua blue flames. The person takes off his full face helmet and I see that it was  Jordan, guy that is teaching my PE class how to dance and the guy that actually looked at me without the look of discus on his face. 

        He gets off his bike and walks to me, he motions for me to take out my ear buds so that he can talk and I can hear what he has to say. When I have done this he asks, "Do you need a ride to school?" When he asks this I look directly into his eyes to see if he is joking or not, what I see really surprises me, I see concern "So you want a ride?" he asks again sounding unsure on what he is doing.

        "People will start talking if they see you talking with me or even being around me, and I don't know about u but I have enough people talking about me," I state looking once more into his beautiful blue with green spotted eyes and then putting in my ear buds and walking around him. I don't know how I did it, my hole body was telling me to say yes and except his ride, but I just kept walking and ignoring him riding right next to me. 

        To day is going to be a long, I thought to myself.

(A/N: Hope you like it, im not really happy with this story and so I would really like you guys to comment and tell me what you think. Just a heads up, I think that im going to make the next chapter Jordan's POV of what has happened so far. So ya just tell me what all yalls think please VOTE thank you)

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