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(Back in regular POV)

        My birthday is in three day, October 25, and the pull that I feel when I'm anywhere near Jordan is getting stronger, also my dad is getting worse. He would always hurt me more when my birthday came around, but this year is the worst. I'll be 17 almost an adult, I just want the next year to go by even faster so that I can move out. 

        I love PE because we are dancing and I love to dance and Jordan is a really good teacher. The way his voice sounds, it is so soothing and the way his pants hang low on his hips, he still looks hot when he is covered in sweat.  While heading back into the locker room I think about how i am sad that i don't have any other classes with him. Right before i can walk into the locker room I feel a hand on my shoulder and i feel a little bit of a spark. I turn around excepting to find some stuck up bitch who only wants to make fun of me but instead i come face to face with Jordan

        Before i can say anything he is dragging me down the hall way and into an empty utility closet closing the door and turning on the light. I look up into his face trying to see if there is any hint on what he is wanting but before I can ask he puts his lips on mine and kisses me ever so softly and not knowing what to do I just let my body do whats natural. His lips are so soft, the softest this that I have ever touched and his kiss is gentle and not pushing me into anything; at the same time there is love and compassion and sorrow and kindness in this kiss. I don't have anything to compare this kiss to because it is my first kiss but I still think its amazing. He winds his arms around my waist and moves his head so that it is resting on my shoulder where my neck joins it. His breath slides over my skin as he breaths out, it feels so right to be like this with him even though i like just met him.

        He lifts his head and looks down at me with his arms still around my waist and says, "You don't know how long i have been wanting to do that. Please don't be mad at me for kissing you but i have been wanting to do that since the first day that i saw you in the gym and just couldn't hold my self back any longer." He leaned down and kissed me again, but this time it was just a quick pick on the lips.

        "I'm confused. Why do you say that since the first day that you saw me you have wanted to kiss me? I'm nothing special," I say looking into his beautiful eyes. 

        "Answer this question for me please, how old are you?" staring into his eyes all i see is love.

        "I am 16 going to be 17 in three days, why?" i am really confused now mostly because he still hasn't taken his arms from around my waist but also because he is wanting to know how old i am. "You are really starting to confuse me, fist you drag me in here, then you kiss me and say how hard it was for you not to do that the fist day that you saw me, and then you go and ask me how old i am. Whats all this about?" I take his arms off of me and fold mine across my chest.

        "Um......... well......." I think he is keeping something from me, why wont he just tell me already. If its about me then i should be able to know! "Um, well, imawerewolfandsoareyou.wehavesomethingcalledamateandthatswhatweare," What did he just say? i wouldn't understand it because he said it so fast and quietly.

        "What did you just say?" I ask looking at him studying his face. "Could you maybe say it a little louder and slower?" I snap at him.

        He flinches a little and then takes a long deep breath before saying, "I said: I'm a werewolf and so are you. We have something called a mate and that's what we are. You are my mate and from the first time I saw you I couldn't get your face out of my head, and all that I wanted to do was to have you in my arms," He said it a little fast this time also but this time I was able to understand him.

        "What do you mean I'm a werewolf? And what the hell is a mate?" I ask getting really annoyed. 

        "Do you have really good hearing?" He asks and I nod. "Do you have a really good since of smell?" Again I nod. "Can you see really well even in the dark?" Another nod. "Can you lift stuff that is heavy and run faster than about all your class mates?" I think for a little bit and then reluctantly I give a small nod. He looks satisfied with himself and then continues, "That's all signs that you are a werewolf, but one that hasn't turned yet. When a werewolf turns 17 they go through their first shift and then after that they can find their mate."

        "Again I will ask, WHAT IS A MATE?!" I am a little more pissed that he hasn't answered my question.

        Again he looks a little startled that i have yelled at him but he quickly recovers and answers, "They are like a soul mate, your other half, your partner for life. Some times they are the only ones that can calm you down when you are mad and the only ones who can make you feel better when your sad. They take care of you when you are sick and they help you when you need them, even when its something as small as scratching your back," He sounds so love-struck when he says all this and I can't help but fall in love with him, yes I already was but this made it me love him even more. 

        "So you are saying that I am a werewolf and on top of that I am your mate. How can I be sure that you are telling the truth?" The look in his eyes when I say this gives me all the answers that I need. Leaning forward and going up onto the tips on my toes I gently put my lips to his and I feel tiny sparks go through my body, from my lips through my head and down to my toes. He takes and puts his arms around my waist like before and hugs me into him. Slowly he deepens the kiss and I feel him run his tong over my bottom lip, I am not an expert on kissing but I think that that means he wants me to open my mouth so that he can stick his tong in it, so I don't let him have entrance. 

        Suddenly I remember that we are in a janitors closet and that we should probable be in seconds period. Pulling away and in a panicked voice I yelled/whispered, "Shouldn't we be in second period?" Studying his face when I said this I saw shock pass over his face. He reaches into his sweatpants pocket and pull out his phone and i hear him muter shit under his breath.

        "We really should be getting to class I think," he sighed. He gently grabs my hand and laces his fingers through mine. Looking down at out now intertwined hands I smile and start to walk out of the closet and over to the locker room. At the door we stop and face each others eyes; his ice blue eyes are so beautiful and i cant help but wonder how i never noticed before. I see him lean down and place a little kiss on my cheek and then asks, "I'll see you after school?" I nod and then give him a kiss that is just like the one he game me minutes ago and then i watch him walk away before i head in to change my cloth The rest of the day is going to be even more boring than it already was. Why can't I have any other classes with him? I cant wait till the end of school. I smile at the thought and then head on to my next class, which is almost over, sigh.

(A/N So I'm sorry that I haven't updated in like FOREVER but I have had school and I have also been trying to decide what I want to happen next in this story. Please, please commit and vote (:

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