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To day started out like any other day. I got up, dressed and made breakfast for my dad and I. On my 10 minute walk to school I went over my notes for my history test that was today, I already knew that I was going to pass it but I had to make it look like I didn't think I was ready. Since way before I could remember I was able to remember word for word what I read and describe every little detail on what I saw, and I don't know why.

I get to school and head to PE, which is my first class. After I change I head out to the bleachers and sit down to wait for the rest of my class mates, which would be about 10-15 minutes. I sit there quietly and run over more history stuff in my head. I also have very good hearing so when I hear soft foot steps out in the hall I bring my attention back and head over to the door so that it looks like I just headed out of there, I don't want people to think that I don't have a life even though I don't haha, only to find that it was the gym teacher who came in. No body likes Mr. Blackwell but me. They think that he is to strict but he is not. They only think that because he makes us run  and do sit ups and push ups for 60 minuets then we play dodge ball for the rest.

When every one is in the gym I start to warm up because I don't want to start running while my body is not starched and warmed up.

"Alright every one listen up!" Mr. Blackwell yelled over all the talking voices. "We are going to be doing something different today instead of running. To day we will be dancing. I know that you might think that that is not PE but I assure you that it will be hard work, almost harder than what we do every other day that you are here. Now I don't know how to dance so I have invited someone from another school who knows how and will teach us some moves and I don't think that I should have to tell you that you are to show him as much respect as you show me," he said and then mumbled, "or should show me." Only I could hear him because of my really really good hearing. "Now tell us what to do-" Mr. Blackwell looked around and didn't see this mystery man that he was talking to us about he looked around some more and then yelled, "Jordan Taylor, get your ass in here now!"

Right then I smelt the most wonderful smell in the world, it smelled like pine and lavender. I look up to the door to the gym and I see the most hansom guy that I have ever seen in my life. I stair at him, looking him up and down, I just cant get enough of him. Our eyes meet and its like the whole world melts around us. Then I hear Mr. Blackwell telling Jordan to come and meet the class and we brake eye contact.

The rest of the class I could not take my eyes off of him and every time a girl brushed up against him I got so jealous but I don't know why, I mean he isn't mine and he was probably just staring at me because I have something on my face or my hair is crazy. He was not staring at me because he liked me is was because I am weird and look funny. He does not like me! He does not like me! I keep thinking that so that I can stay focused on the moves that the ho- what is wrong with you stay focused and keep our head out of the gutter! I thought to myself angrily.

The rest of the class went by in a blur and so did the rest of the day and it was time to go back to the hell hole.

(A/N please tell me what you think. Be honest with me please because if you just tell me stuff that you think I want to hear then I wont be able to write any of my stories better. Please vote and comment thx)

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