April Harrison

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This chapter is dedicated to @Kaylakuy

Ever since Kurt and I met on that day we started talking each other even though he would always try and kick my seat or pull my hair again but for some reason i decided to stay with him no matter what.He introduced me to his sister the day she was born and i also met his family.I would go to his house and play with him when i had the chance.

Unfortunately playing was a foolish thing to do later on when we grew up,we were thirteen by the time we began to grow.Well he matured a lot faster than i did,due to his family always fighting and going through divorce.High-school began to get harder every year for me but not for Kurt,he didn't go to school after all those things happened. "April! So are you going to the party?"

A girl asked,she has dark green hair and baggy clothes."Um i don't know,you see i'm not the kind of girl who likes to party." I say with a little smile as i continued to write an essay. "Come on! It'll be fine besides your already fifteen"

tried to ignore her which was impossible but thank god that the bell rang,i grabbed my backpack and raced outside of school. "Finally you came back." I begin to make my way towards my room when Greg grabbed my arm making me scream in pain.

"Your mother is probably with another man so i need you to go and get me more booze."

"NO! Just let go of me."

I try my best to claw at him and kick him,but he grabbed a bottle of beer and smashed it against the floor, making it break into tiny pieces and he stabbed it into my leg and he punched me.

I started crying once Greg left the room.My Dad died in a car accident when i turned twelve and my mother was desperate for a man to help her.So she met this man at work and brought him home,ever since he lived here,he's been hitting me and mom my doesn't believe me.

I slowly made my way to the bathroom and wrapped my leg with a bandage and grabbed a pair of pants so no one can see the awful cut,a big bruise started to appear on my left cheek.I grabbed my backpack once again and headed to Kurt's house.


I knocked on the door and there stood Wendy,smoking a cigarette with her baby in her arms. "Hey April.Looking for Kurt?" I nodded my head so she stepped aside letting me in.

"He's up in his room a usual."

I walked past her and started making my way to his room.I gently knocked on him waiting for him to open "Kurt." I slowly opened the door and saw him sitting on his bed with his guitar while listening to Ramones.I closed the door behind me and stared at him,admiring how he's grown through out the years.

"April. What brings you here?" He stopped and looked at my brown eyes.

"I-i wanted to ask you a favor."

"Anything for my best friend."

So that's what i am to him? just a friend? I looked into his beautiful blue eyes and wanted so badly to just kiss him. "April." He waved a hand in front of me."H-huh? i-im sorry." I blush looking down at my knees.

Heart Shaped Box ♥ [Kurt Cobain Story]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ