Chapter 7

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"Dante called just before I came to pick you up," Julius said as he brought the car to a stop at a red light. "Said they nearly had the girl at one point, but she got away."

"Damn! I can't stand that no-good, dirty-ass bastard," Moe grumbled. "But he has his uses. Call him back and get an update when we get to the club."

Julius nodded in agreement as the street light turned green, and he continued driving.

"What about Irving's kid?" Moe asked after a moment's silence.

"Said he's never seen the girl and started to give me attitude. Said he doesn't work for creeps," Julius replied, and he paused to chuckle before continuing. "So I threw him into a bookshelf."

"What is it with those goody-two-shoes Irvings? Always gotta play hard ball. His old man gave me plenty of trouble in his day. Good thing I ain't gotta worry about him anymore," Moe reflected. "Still...the kid's got balls. Keep an eye on him just in case."

Julius nodded again.

"And the others?" Moe asked.

"Same thing. No one's seen her," Julius answered.

"Hard to believe that no one knows anything about this girl," Moe said sourly.

"Don't worry. We'll find her," Julius reassured.

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