Clare / Barry

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I just unearthed this poem that I wrote last year for my friend Clare. Those of you who've been in my Twitter circle for a long time may remember a time when I used to role play with a certain Mr Lucas North and his friend Barry the Goblin. For those who don't remember it's probably best not to ask. Anyway, Barry's not around anymore but still lives on in spirit. For those who are still reading this it may help you to know that Barry was green with big ears and a tufty bit of hair on top of his head, had a blankie made from tinsel and liked the ladies. Oh yes, he was also a Top Gun pilot ... allegedly!

Barry was a goblin,

At least that's what we thought.

Until one day a truth revealed

That Barry was a fraud.

He didn't have big pointy ears,

He'd never had a tuft,

He was no Top Gun pilot,

And all he'd done was bluffed.

He wasn't quite the ladies' man,

We'd imagined that he'd been,

There was no tinsel blankie,

And he wasn't even green!

But none of that's important

Now the truth has been laid bare,

Because Barry was revealed to be

The very lovely Clare!

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