Tashia 2

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This is a birthday poem but may not make a lot of sense to those who haven't read the recipient's blog: http://lifeinthebuslane-tashia.blogspot.co.uk

A mollusc named Sidney the Snail

Quietly leaving his sticky trail

All over a vertilap fence

Without a sign of any pretence

Was being spied upon as he slid

And so he stopped, still, did Sid.

The eyes watching him did stray

To the house across the way,

To marvel at the curtains

Being closed. The reason: uncertain.

But Sidney stayed quite still

Happily exercising his own free will.

The spy was most disappointed

Having made Sid her appointed...

Entertainer while she waited

For the bus, somewhat belated;

So will no doubt be annoyed to know

That once she'd gone Sid put on quite a show!

Poems for Special OccasionsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora